1. Moms Secret Chapter ONE

    Date: 8/27/2015, Categories: Anal Hardcore Mature Author: sassygeorge, Source: xHamster

    ... least temporarily, in order to maintain it. Since my dad enjoyed the status quo, he was really against this idea or the idea that he was going to move too. Instead, he suggested that the new place could be rented out, which would have provided additional income. But my mom said that she wanted to take a 'short break' from home. With the prospect that the property could go up in value and the promise that she would still make frequent visits to see him, he gave her the green light. As a couple, they weren't bad together. They had a few common interests and mutual friends. They would have gotten along if they were just friends. On some days of the week, they could go out together and nobody would've suspected that they were having problems. Both of them had hoped that others thought they were a good, strong f****y. Image was very important. She had admitted to me rather recently that she had always been trying to please him in any way that she could, but it still wasn't enough. I could remember a few times, when I was 7 or 8, when she borrowed my computer late at night to look at some adult websites to see, in her words, 'what it was all about'. Obviously, I wasn't allowed to be in the room, but that didn't matter to me. I was a carefree and naïve soul. I thought nothing about what she was doing until much later. I was only focussed on going out to play with my friends. I was innocent like that. It was a gradual process for me to realize that she was probably trying to improve ...
    ... her relations with my dad, using sex as a tool! But their relations didn't seem to improve very much. They still got into arguments and he still cheated. Still, my mom refused to give up, even during the time when he got laid off. She saw it as an opportunity for her to make good as a mother and wife by maintaining the f****y house and balancing the finances. For her, she felt that she needed to work harder and things would turn around. She was stubborn like that. I discovered some time ago that my mom had originally married my dad for 'stability reasons'. She wanted an immigration status to stay in the country - and time was running out for her. She knew him the longest, out of the guys that she met during her short stay. At the same time, she wasn't looking to take advantage of anyone. She genuinely wanted a f****y too and was willing to work for it. Despite his imperfections as a person, including his tendency to be late, she made numerous compromises with regards to her 'standards' for the sake of settling down. As mentioned before, she didn't have a whole lot of time, or so she thought. Time revealed the rest of his negative traits that had been latent. He had an inferiority complex, for example. He knew that she wouldn't have married him if she didn't need that immigration status. She was beyond him. So, he turned into this bully. He knew he could pick on her and she wouldn't put up much of a fight. He knew what her character was like. From my mom's point of view, she ...