1. Moms Secret Chapter ONE

    Date: 8/27/2015, Categories: Anal Hardcore Mature Author: sassygeorge, Source: xHamster

    ... insisted that he had several good traits: he seemed like a nice man and he came from a decent close-knit f****y; he had a decent job and he was very vocal about his ambition to go further than where he was at; and he was generous when it came to dates and dinners. But again, she stressed that she was pressed on time and the other men that she had met weren't substantially better. Sometimes I wonder what life would've been like with a different father, but I probably wouldn't have existed. Flash forward to that spring morning, I was arriving to visit my mom's place before travelling by bus to work at a neighboring city. I had found work as a regional scout for high school athletes, specifically for the game of baseball. When I saw my mom, she seemed really happy to see me -- she gave me a long hug and kiss on the cheek. That was when I noticed that her breasts were significantly pronounced. I knew immediately that she had gotten a boob job, but I didn't know when. I surmised that it was during the two years when I was away. I remembered that they used to be modest in size, but not small. But I didn't dare to make any comment whatsoever. Anyhow, shortly afterward, she asked me to look at her laptop to see why it was always so slow. Sometimes it would even freeze, which always f***ed her to restart. She knew that I was quite capable with using a computer, so I could help her fix it. Also, she wanted me to set up a webcam for her because she wanted to talk to her international ...
    ... friends. Finally, she wanted me to help her set-up her account for some popular social media websites. I was really surprised at how internet savvy she had become since I left. The webcam was not a problem as I had a spare one that she could use. Therefore, it was only the computer fixing that I needed to focus on. I only had a short amount of time that day as I had to go on a two-day trip for work to watch a tournament game. She suggested that fixing her computer could wait until afterward. But, I insisted that I could do everything in one sitting on the train. It would save me time and give me something to do. She seemed okay with that. After leaving her house, I found my designated spot on the train -- window seat and at the very back -- and I began playing around with my laptop. During the time when I was fidgeting around with it, the train was departing and I was in luck; nobody claimed the spots beside me. I wanted it this way because I didn't want to talk to anyone. I liked to be alone. About a half hour into the train ride, I opened up her laptop and began inspecting it. One of the first things that I did on her laptop was open up Task Manager, a program which could list all the applications and services currently running at the time. It seemed that my mom had a lot of programs running on her computer which she would never need. Some were really strange programs which I had never come across before and they seemed like malware to me, which are programs installed on a ...