1. Moms Secret Chapter ONE

    Date: 8/27/2015, Categories: Anal Hardcore Mature Author: sassygeorge, Source: xHamster

    ... techniques are up to standard." "Okay, I understand." "Good. Now, I do require that, until the lessons are done, you can't have sex with your hubby. And by no sex, I mean, nothing at all! So, it might just be easier for you not to see him for a while, just to avoid temptation." "I guess I can do that. When are the next lessons coming and how long is it going to take?" "You'll be done before you know it! Our next lesson is in the next couple of days, just to give you some time to rest and recover. But before I forget, this is your prize for today." She was handed a small purple vibrator, which she examined momentarily. "Wow! I've never used one of these before." "Well, now you'll be able to, wouldn't you? It's going to come in handy later, I suspect." She nodded. And then the movie ended with a black screen.