1. Moms Secret Chapter ONE

    Date: 8/27/2015, Categories: Anal Hardcore Mature Author: sassygeorge, Source: xHamster

    ... She took him inside and sucked him briefly, while looking at him happily. Not long after, she released him with a pop. "Good, now wipe the cum off your face and eat all that!" She proceeded to scoop some of the cum up to eat it. Though she did not give off the same look of disgust as before, I wasn't convinced that she liked the taste of it any better than before. "That's an improvement but you can do better. You must show the man that you really appreciate that he came for you! If you take cum in your mouth, then you'll need to tell him how good his cum tastes! If he shoots it all over your face or body, you must love how it feels. Try it again!" She dumbly nodded. After swiping some more cum, she ate it off her fingers and then said, "It tastes good!" She certainly did as she was told, except the look on her face was totally unconvincing. "You might not like the taste of cum now, but you'll need to keep doing it till you do. I want to hear you say that you enjoy it! You can practice now since there's still plenty of cum on your face, so get right to it!" Obediently, she wiped her face and ate a finger-load. Though she remarked again that "it tastes good", I still had doubts whether or not that she was sincere. Though she looked to the men, they were silent, which ostensibly led her to continue. After eating the next blob of cum, Each of the three times that she ate a blob of cum, she gave a positive feedback to the taste. "...Mm... the cum tastes so good." "...It's so ...
    ... yummy!" "...I love your cum!" The attempts seemed to be enough to satisfy the men, judging from the fact that they didn't request for her to do anything else. Presumably, everything was done. She was sitting on her knees, with a glaze on her face that wasn't going to go away without soap and water. I still couldn't believe that I was looking at the same mom that I had kissed prior to my trip! Jimmy approached her and said, "Well, Angie, you did a great job but this marks the end of lesson one. How do you feel right now?" She scoffed sheepishly, "...Sore...very sore!" "I bet you are. Do us a favor and show us your holes!" She cautiously rolled backwards and lifted her legs. Jimmy used his index finger to sweep at her flappy, loosened pussy lips. Then, using that same finger, he measured her gaped ass-hole, which had expanded by at least an inch or so. The entire region was fiery red! He teased, "You probably didn't meet up today thinking that you'd be getting fucked and not just by one man, huh?" "No. This was crazy!" "Could you have known that you'd enjoy sex this much?" She smiled, "No, it was a lot of fun! I learned a lot today!" "The learning doesn't stop here. I bet after a few more lessons, you'll only be thinking about sex!" She frowned, "You think I'd still need a few more?" "Yes you do - but don't worry - the other wives had to do it as well. The next time we meet, you'll be tested to see if you've improved at all from today. That way, we'll be ensuring that your ...