1. Kate & Jim Chapter 3

    Date: 8/27/2015, Categories: Fiction Author: beagle9690, Source: sexstories.com

    ... braid, “Put Katherine’s ponytail up as side bet against a wedding present and you have yourself a deal…..” That night after making slow and gentle love on their side facing one another, Kate was cuddled tight against Jim, hugging him as he stroked her hair, enjoying their quiet intimacy. “Jim?” “Yes, Kate.” “Did you really get in a high speed chase with the French Police?” Jim hesitated before answering, “Obviously Tom told you that, and I suppose I had to tell you sometime,” he replied sighing. “He did and he said you love me.” “He’s right on both points, beautiful.” “I told Tom we are soul mates and he agreed.” “He and Sally Ann were the same; they often time would finish each others’ sentences.” “Tom said you broke the Inspector’s nose with you head.” “I didn’t have much choice at the time; my hands were handcuffed behind my back.” “Jim?” “Yes Kate.” “Tom told me everything; he was adamant I should know.” “Everything?” “No, from your engagement forward until you lost her. Tom said if I wanted to know more, ask you.” “I did what had to be done; otherwise there would have been no justice for Gina.” “I know, Petruchio, no brag just fact.” “What does that mean? Is this like the blond wig thing?” Jim asked kissing her. “It means I love you for all eternity.” “And I love you. I’ll never get tired of saying it.” “Sweetheart?” “Yes Kate.” “Are you ever afraid?” “Let me put it this way. There is courage and then there is stupidity, while cowardice is followed closely by panic.” ...
    ... J.M. Barrie said it best in his Rhetorical Address at St. Andrews in May of 1922. "Courage is the thing. All goes if courage goes!' However, the short answer is yes.” “As I said,” Kate replied, kissing his chest, “no brag just fact.” “Were you afraid when you stood beside me with the frying pan?” “Maybe just a little.” “There you see; that is courage. Being afraid but doing what has to be done. You’re a tough woman Katherine. You lost all your worldly possessions and made due. You didn’t buckle under the pressure, even though what you value above all else is your good name. In the end what else is there my love? You do what has to be done. You swallowed your pride without losing it and came to work for me. You taught me it’s OK to fall in love again…priceless.” “Jim?” “Yes Kate.” “Will you tell me more about Gina?” “When we return from Florida; we’ll go through the photo albums page by page and photo by photo.” “Jim?” “My goodness, you’re just full of questions tonight,” he remarked, pushing her hair behind her ear and kissing her cheek. “Will you tell me why you and Tom were fighting?” “We didn’t fight, you stopped us. You are the reason we are back together.” “You know what I mean,” she replied pinching his ear. “Ouch, enough with the pinching; perhaps I’ll tell you some day; why are you and Mira fighting? At one time you and Mira were inseparable. Life is short Katherine; both Tom and I regret that stupidity.” “I don’t want to talk about it.” “Fair enough, but I’ll do my part ...