1. Kate & Jim Chapter 3

    Date: 8/27/2015, Categories: Fiction Author: beagle9690, Source: sexstories.com

    ... “That’s part of it. I’m sure you can guess the rest. Are you and me OK though?” “Nothing is changed Sam. I’ll chalk those months down as being busy” They shook hands again in unspoken understanding. “We’re both direct men, Sam. Feel free to tell me to go to hell at any time with no animosity in return. You sat with us to be polite.” “You have me there buddy.” Mira shifted in her chair looking uncomfortable at where the conversation was going; Kate’s annoyance was bordering on anger. “I assumed you would want to talk about Mira and Katherine making up when you invited us over. If you do your part I’ll do mine.” “Exactly; both of them are stubborn and they were good friends once.” As Jim said this Mira stood up emphatically stating,”I’m leaving.” “Sit down Mira,” said Sam, “I want to hear what else Jim has to say,” and Mira did, glaring at her husband while Katherine glared at Jim becoming angrier by the second. “Katherine’s case is going to be overturned; she will be found innocent of all charges. Her good name will be restored. You can expect to read about it in the newspapers in about a month. “What an interesting theory; where does the Roadrunner fit in?” “No theory, just fact and I have a proposition for you, a bet so to speak.” “I’m still listening, Jim.” “I’ll bet the Roadrunner that Katherine is totally innocent and was set up by her ex-husband.” “You spent five years restoring it. What am I putting up against it?” “I’ll bet you Mira’s braid against my Roadrunner.” “It ...
    ... sounds like a suckers bet, but I can’t pass up those odds. Are you that sure Katherine is innocent?” “I’ve heard quite enough!” Mira exclaimed standing up a second time and trying to walk away, hindered by Sam holding the back of her jumper. “So have I!” Kate exclaimed standing and now angrier than a nest of scorched hornets. “If Mira doesn’t want to be friends again fine with me.” Kate then enunciated by poking Jim in the chest with her finger, “You and I are going to have it out when we get home, Petruchio.” Jim grabbed Kate and crushed her to him kissing her lips. “Jim! Stop it…let me go damn you!” she exclaimed struggling to get loose. Jim kissed Kate’s lips again saying, “You’re beautiful and sexy as hell when you’re angry. Your green eyes look like they’re on fire. I love you Kate. I have another surprise for you. Since we’re leaving for Florida tomorrow we’ll stop off on the way to see my sister in Kentucky.” “Your sister?” Jim kissed her lips a third time, “Yes my baby sister. It’s about time I introduce my future fiancé to the family. Mary is planning a little barbecue get together.” Kate stopped struggling, “Oh Jim,” she said softly, putting her arms around his neck to kiss his lips long and deep, all her anger melting away. “Well congratulations you two,” Sam said slapping Jim hard on the back and meaning it. He then put his arm around Mira’s waist and pulled her close. “This changes’ everything now that you have a mare in the race.” Sam tugged on Mira’s long thick ...