1. An Evening With Snow

    Date: 1/15/2016, Categories: Trans, Author: GirlyWorld, Source: LushStories

    ... calculating my odds of getting close to her, at least to know her a bit better. Throughout the first course I kept looking at her, wondering how it was possible for her to be so lovely. She was wearing a little black shoulder-less dress, with a simple gold necklace. Her arms and hands were dainty, her long nails beautifully manicured. She was too far away to talk, which might have been a good thing because I felt nervous. The others who were closer didn’t seem the slightest bit flustered by her presence, chatting away with her in the same way as with everyone else. I now feel embarrassed at how prejudiced and hypocritical I was at the time. There I was, a closeted crossdresser, passing judgment on a wonderfully open transgendered person. It was when she got up to go to the bathroom that I got busted by Andre. I watched Snow as she walked gracefully past our end of the table, admiring her legs and especially her delicate ankles in those black high-heels. Her buttocks were small but rounded, in perfect proportion to her petite body. I felt a twitch in my pants. “She is a guy, you know,” Andre whispered in my ear. “Yeah, I know,” I replied, “I was just thinking that she’s, umm, quite convincing.” “You mean you fancy her,” he chuckled. “Well, no…” I started, trying to defend myself by denying the attraction. “I’ve seen you eying her up,” Andre continued, “It’s okay. I know plenty of guys who would do her.” This wasn’t the Andre I had known growing up in the village. He seemed a ...
    ... lot more confident than he’d ever been before, and apparently a lot more open to alternative sexuality. Two years in the city had changed him, for the better I might add. In the past, he and I had often joked about fags, and trannies didn’t even register on our scale of sexual deviants. I would never have told him about my dabbling in cross-dressing for fear of him dumping me as a friend and informing everyone we knew. Now, he was openly discussing having sex with a transgendered person. “Would you do her?” I asked. “Nah, it’s not my thing,” he replied, “But go for it if that’s what you want.” “You’ve changed a lot,” I said. “Yeah, city life does that,” he responded, “It makes you think about stuff, what you really want in life.” --- At the end of the meal, a small group declared that they were going clubbing, inviting others to join them. Snow said she was in. Andre and I declared ourselves in too. There was just one couple who declined, leaving the eight of us heading for Murphy’s Garage. I knew Andre would be on the pull that night. He had a way with the ladies. But, that wasn’t top of mind for me. I wanted to get to know Snow. I needn’t have been nervous because it turned out that she wanted to get to know me too. While we started walking the three blocks to the club, she came up to me and slipped her arm around mine in a friendly but non-sexual way. “I hope you don’t mind,” she said, smiling. “Not at all,” I replied, knowing that I was going to blush profusely once again. ...