1. An Evening With Snow

    Date: 1/15/2016, Categories: Trans, Author: GirlyWorld, Source: LushStories

    I met my first tranny when I was twenty. Andre, a friend of mine, had invited me to dinner with a bunch of his mates. He was good at networking, having moved from the same village as me a couple of years earlier. I’d only just moved to the city, so I was looking forward to meeting some new people. “There will be ten of us,” he said enthusiastically, “Oh, and one of them is a tranny.” He looked at me deviously with a big grin on his face while he said this, gauging my reaction. “Well, that’s okay,” I replied, hoping I looked and sounded neutral. “But, she’s cool,” he added, “She works at Vanity Claire’s boutique.” “What’s that,” I asked. “It’s a theater supply store,” he answered, “They sell costumes, wigs, makeup and stuff.” I made a mental note of the name of the place. I was a closet crossdresser at the time, so the mere mention of somewhere I could find supplies without embarrassment, was welcome. Thus far I had lived with the occasional dressing up session in my sister’s clothes and very rarely stole a bit of her lipstick. I’d only been living in the city for a week, and my horizons were already opening. “Ah okay,” I said, pretending to be nonchalant. --- We were late, and the restaurant was busy, but Andre managed to spot the table where the others were already seated. We squeezed through the tightly knit tables and while still standing, Andre introduced me above the noise of the patrons. He went around the table one by one, stating each person’s name while I nodded ...
    ... and smiled as they introduced themselves. When it got to the tranny, I felt a flush of blood rushing through my cheeks. She was much prettier than I had expected. I had seen trannies in magazines before, and she was nothing like them. “And this is Snow,” said Andre. She smiled sweetly and held out her hand. I was smitten. Her blonde bob was obviously fake but in a sexy chic kind of way. She looked like a girl wearing a wig. It was such a cute sight. She had delicate facial features, with light blue eyes; a perfect little turned up nose, and full lips. Her pale complexion made her look like a China doll. “Hi Snow,” I responded, “That’s a beautiful name.” I knew as soon as I said it that I’d been a bit too gushing, as well as rather red-faced. “He doesn’t miss an opportunity to flirt,” Andre laughed, “Come on, let’s sit down.” The other guests had kept Andre and me two seats together at the end of the table. We sat down and looked at the menu briefly before ordering some hors d’oeuvres. The others had already made their choices. --- I looked around the table, trying to remember who was who. There were four girls including Snow, and six guys. Three of the girls were with their partners, which left Andre, me, and one other guy as the single parties. Andre had recently broken up with his girlfriend, and the other guy looked openly gay. I quickly realized that meant Snow was probably on her own, especially as the gay guy wasn’t even sitting near her. It dawned on me that I was ...