1. An Evening With Snow

    Date: 1/15/2016, Categories: Trans, Author: GirlyWorld, Source: LushStories

    ... walking me home?” she asked, “I don’t live very far.” I knew immediately that this wasn’t just a request to accompany her. My heart was pounding so loud that I thought it might be heard above the music. I was going to take her home and had no idea what was going to happen, but I wanted it. I wanted her. I didn’t even feel embarrassed when I said goodbye to the others. They must have known what was going on, judging by the happy smiles of on their faces. One of the girls told me to take good care of Snow. Andre winked and said, “Good on you mate! See you when I see you.” --- We walked through the streets, arm in arm as we had earlier. We hardly spoke. There was no need. I was taking my girl home and that was all that mattered. I felt proud that she enjoyed my company. There was some slight nervousness in my mind about her plumbing, for lack of better term, but I figured I would deal with that if and when the time came. I told myself that it might not even happen, even though I knew it would. It was obvious that we were headed straight toward her bed, no questions asked. --- Her one-bedroom flat was beautifully decorated with a feminine touch, from the bouquet of flowers in the hallway to the decorative ornaments in the living room. I didn’t have much time to take it all in. One moment we were outside and the next moment we were in her living room with her arms around me. She hadn’t even asked me if I wanted to come inside. I had automatically walked in with her and there we ...
    ... were, embracing like lovers. “Thank you for coming home with me,” she said softly. “Thank you for allowing me to,” I responded. I hugged her tightly and kissed her soft lips. She responded by kissing me back, slipping her tongue in my mouth. We played around like that for a few moments, tonguing each other wildly. I watched her pretty face, her eyes closed. Her makeup was exquisitely perfect and her long eyelashes looked natural. She obviously spent a lot of time preening herself. Of course, working in the theatre supply store must have helped. While we kissed passionately, I slipped my hands under the back of her dress, feeling her buttocks through the material of her silky panties. She writhed gently while I felt her up, pushing her tummy against my hard cock just like she had done at the club. I loved the silky soft feel of her smooth thighs, and the roundness of her butt cheeks in my hands. I squeezed them gently, pulling her even closer to me. She moaned when I did this, as though asking for more. Still holding her tightly by the waist with my right hand, I reached under the front of her dress with the left. Beneath the silk panties was a definite bulge. I stroked it lightly, teasing the shaft until it stood erect. Her cock was tiny, but definitely a cock. “Mm, that’s nice,” she said while I ran my finger up and down her pole through the thin material. We continued to kiss as we played through our clothing, touching and caressing each other, exploring. I had never played ...