1. Island Fever 4: Paradise - Chapter 04

    Date: 1/10/2016, Categories: Diary, Female/Female Male / Females Author: JeremyDCP, Source: sexstories.com

    ... so... bad." "You gotta get some sleep," I urged her. I held her even closer, but soon began to fear that her crying, which was suddenly becoming louder, would wake Lindsay. Or even Amy. So, I swept Trish up into my arms - as if she was a small child - and carried her off to the kitchen. Still in the darkness, I propped Trish across the counter and literally smashed her face into my chest, and then she began to wail and sob much more profusely than before. "Just let it all out," were my words, hoping that the others were safely out of earshot. After all, doing so was probably the best - if maybe the only - therapy for her. Trish needed to let all of her emotions pour out. * * * I was exhausted beyond any and all reason, but I still found myself in the posh, exclusive lounge of the hotel an hour later at 3:00am. I had convinced Trish to leave the suite and take a walk with me throughout the hotel. In our travels, where I held and kissed Trish's hand repeatedly, and listened to her speak her mind, we came across _the most_ comfortable sofa in the VIP lounge, which was mostly deserted. It was good for Trish, I thought, to get out for a bit. She needed to stretch her legs, so to speak, and clear her mind. "Mom told me earlier that Dad was so very proud of me," Trish sighed, seated across from me upon the plush sofa. Her long-flowing, healthy brown hair was a catastrophe, and she wore baggy sweat pants and an old, raggedy t-shirt. But Trish still looked beautiful to me. She always ...
    ... did. "Mom said Dad was very proud last year when we actually went through with the wedding - Lindsay and I - and got married in a regular church, with hundreds of people in attendance," Trish added. "Everything about my marriage to Lindsay was normal and typical, and standard... except for the simple fact that we were two women, not a man and woman." "We did not hide anything about our wedding, or our love for each other. It was not a private, little ceremony. Mom said Dad was SO PROUD of me because of that. I had the courage and the will, he thought, the wherewithal, the GUTS, to do something different, and marry another woman despite what some certain other people thought of it." "Dad knew that I was in love with Lindsay, and she meant the world to me," Trish mewed. "She still does. He was so happy, Mom said, that I followed my heart, and did not back down from what I wanted. Him and Mom have never quite understood my attraction for women. Neither have my two sisters, Christie and Melissa. None of them, though, ever judged me for it. They have always been very supportive." I offered a faint smile. "Your parents have always known that about you, right?" "Since high school, yes," Trish nodded. "I had a lot of different thoughts and ideas back then going through my mind. I just remember one day, it was a weekend, I went into the living room and saw both Mom and Dad watching television. I think I must have been 15 years old, maybe 16, at the time. I asked if I could talk with ...