1. Island Fever 4: Paradise - Chapter 04

    Date: 1/10/2016, Categories: Diary, Female/Female Male / Females Author: JeremyDCP, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Lindsay. It struck a definite nerve within her. Trish, of course, was even worse. She was still in shock, and had already gone through extreme bouts of depression and anger just over the past two days alone. The automobile accident was not caused by her father; John was not at fault, but he paid the ultimate price as a result of it regardless. Obviously, there was a lot of anger expressed over that. Dinner was fairly mundane and uneventful. Alice ordered Chinese food, but we ate in a mostly somber silence. By the time it was 8:00pm, Kaden and Piper were starting to get really cranky and irritable. With it being 2:00am back home in Norway, most of us were not used to staying up this late. Add in the long and taxing airline flight, and many of us were just flat-out exhausted. We all decided to retire for the evening, and went back to the _Ritz-Carlton_ hotel. Fortunately, Scarlett was feeling better after her bubble bath and a subsequent two hour nap. She greeted us at the door, and shared an extra long, special hug with Trish, who was still visibly shaken and distraught with everything. She also checked in with Amy, and spoke with her at length. I took a three-way shower with Kristanna and Devon, but there were really no sexual overtones or innuendo involved in it whatsoever. We helped each other clean and wash up, but neither of them were in their usual, vibrant moods. I am certain the same could be said for Pamela, Trish, Lindsay and Amy as they took a quadruple shower ...
    ... after us; there was almost assuredly nothing sexual about their time in it. There were two king-sized beds, both of them in different rooms of the 2,400 square foot suite, and a pull-out sofa in the den. I opted for one room with Pamela and Amy, while Kristanna, Devon and Scarlett claimed the other. That left the sofa bed to Trish and Lindsay, who did not mind one bit. I tried to fall asleep afterward, but found it damn near impossible. Oh, it was not because I had two impeccable beauties nestled up close to me in Pamela and Amy. Rather, it was because my own stomach was now in painful knots, and I felt sick inside. I was simply thinking about Trish, while still worrying about Amy at the same time. At 2:00am, I still had yet to fall asleep. I decided to get out of bed and snack on something in the kitchen. I felt even more hollow inside as when I went out to the main room, I heard Trish sobbing. Lindsay was sleeping away rather peacefully next to her, but Trish was definitely crying - albeit gently, and not wanting to cause a fuss. "Hey," I whispered, rushing to her side. Trish turned and looked up at me; all I could see was her silhouette in the darkness. I latched onto her arm and again spoke in a hushed tone, "Trish, my God!" Tears began to form within my eyes as I pleaded, "Tell me what I can do to help you..." "Jeremy..." Trish whined in response, tenderly wrapping her arms around me. She obviously did not want to wake or rouse Lindsay in the slightest. "Jeremy, I... I feel ...