1. Island Fever 4: Paradise - Chapter 04

    Date: 1/10/2016, Categories: Diary, Female/Female Male / Females Author: JeremyDCP, Source: sexstories.com

    ... himself actually remembered that from our prior visits. That was what I call five-star customer service at its finest. Of course, I was not naive enough to think that he could possibly remember every guest who ever walked through the doors of his hotel. I was a big spender, no doubt, and not afraid to purchase anything. Money was of no object to me. I had spent quite lavishly here in the past, and he knew that. Our continued business and patronage was very important to the hotel manager. I left him a personal $1,000 tip last time; it only stands to reason that he, of course, would remember us, and little, seemingly minor details about us (Trish's _Kool-Aid_, for example). Still, I had always been impressed with him, and the level of service we received while staying here. That was why I gave him the massive tip last time to begin with. I also asked him to make sure that my flight crew - Mike, Craig, Carolyn and Barbara - were well taken of as well. I had rented a pair of high-cost suites for them, too. Scarlett was feeling a bit bummed out from the long airline flight, so I promptly took her up to our room and insisted that she kick back, and relax. I drew a hot bubble bath and helped her into it, and even gave her a scrub-down that had its fair share of playful moments. But at the same time, however, I knew that I had to get back to Trish and her family in their hometown of [City Name]. I told Scarlett to continue with her bubble bath and take a nap if she so desired; I ...
    ... was going to leave her for now, but would be back later with everyone else in tow. I also instructed Scarlett to order any item from room service that she wanted and, of course, I was just a telephone call away if anything else popped up. Scarlett wanted to go back and be with Trish as well, but she began to feel worse than before, and staying here in the hotel to rest was her best option. I returned to the humble and quaint [Last Name] family home by myself just in time for dinner at 6:00pm. I could tell that a tremendous amount of tears had been shed in my absence. Kristanna later explained that everyone spent a good part of the afternoon watching old home movies of John and Alice, and their three daughters including Trish, and going through just about every photo album they had. Amy, though, had managed to stay on a pretty even keel. Lindsay was still horribly overwrought with pain and frustration over the passing of her beloved wife's father. Even though it happened two-and-a-half years ago, the subject of Lindsay's own father - and his untimely death due to a massive coronary - was still an incredibly sensitive subject for her. There was not a single day that went by where Lindsay did not mention her father and how much she missed him. Lindsay always spoke with sheer reverence about him; he had always been her hero and idol. It still made her cry - although it happened back in November 2012 - that he was gone. So, the news of this latest tragedy really, truly hit home for ...