1. Island Fever 4: Paradise - Chapter 04

    Date: 1/10/2016, Categories: Diary, Female/Female Male / Females Author: JeremyDCP, Source: sexstories.com

    ... hours. Kaden and Piper seemed to be perfectly fine. They napped for a good portion of the trip, and we kept them engaged and entertained when they were actually awake. There was no apparent issues with either of them (thank God). The doctor assured us Saturday evening that they should be fine. Best of all, Amy was relaxed and reported no discomfort at all. She slept for a long stretch of the flight on the big waterbed in the primary bedroom (private, customized aircrafts such as mine have these high-end luxuries). I actually found leisure in playing video games with Lindsay. We rented two vehicles at the airport - a pair of _Jeep Grand Cherokees_ - and went straight to [City Name]. Trish drove one of the vehicles, with Devon, Lindsay and Scarlett with her, while I followed along close behind with Kristanna, Pamela and Amy included (and the babies). The drive was short; only about 17 miles, and took less than 30 minutes in the busy and hectic weekend traffic. My heart sank within my chest and I fought the urge to break down and cry as Trish had a tearful reunion with her mother, Alice, and her two sisters, Christie and Melissa. The family was just in absolute shambles because their pillar and rock, John, had been ripped away from them so suddenly, and without warning. Very simply, it was not fair! Kristanna and Scarlett promised to both keep a close watch on Amy over the next few days. Amy certainly could not be allowed to become too frantic or upset. I stayed at the family ...
    ... home for four hours and caught up with Alice, Christie and Melissa (I had not seen them since a trip here back in December). I listened to them share memories and funny stories about John, but knew that I needed to check into our hotel and get everything situated and squared away with it. Scarlett volunteered to go back to downtown Toronto with me so I would not have to do it alone. We went to our regular hotel for whenever we stayed here, the _Ritz-Carlton Toronto_. As luck would have it, their most expensive and luxurious suite was available, and we quickly reserved it even before leaving Norway. We were able to check-in, and have all of our luggage taken to the $6,000-a-night room. Located on the 19th floor of this 53 story structure, the suite was prosperity at its finest. But what I enjoyed most about the _Ritz-Carlton Toronto_ was that many of its staff, including the manager himself, remembered us immediately from our prior visit five months ago (and the visits before it, too). The manager was very professional and friendly, and asked if the whole contingent (the ladies) would eventually be joining us as well. I told him all of them were here. The manager made a nice comment about "our Toronto girl", then immediately instructed two hotel employees to "find all the _Kool-Aid_ packs you can, because she loves it with a passion." Little touches like that meant a lot to me. _Kool-Aid_ was Trish's favorite drink - bar none - and the manager of this multi-billion dollar hotel ...