1. Island Fever 4: Paradise - Chapter 04

    Date: 1/10/2016, Categories: Diary, Female/Female Male / Females Author: JeremyDCP, Source: sexstories.com

    ... them for a bit. They said yes. I said I was confused. I said, _I don't know, but I think I might be a lesbian_. That's how they found out." "What did they say?" Trish shrugged her shoulders. "What could they say? That was probably the absolute, last thing either of my parents expected I would ever say to them. We talked for a long time about it. They were supportive. They were always supportive of me. My Dad said, _Trish, I want you to do whatever makes you happy_. _I want you to be with whomever makes you happy, be it a guy, or a girl_. _You have my support, 100 percent_." "As it turned out, obviously, I am bisexual. I learned that I had an equal attraction for both men and women. I eventually chose to ignore a person's gender. It had no say or relevance into whether or not I was attracted to someone." "When I first got to the island and met you, Jeremy, and all of the other girls, I called my parents that first week and told them that _I WAS IN LOVE_. I had found the person of my dreams, and it was Lindsay - it was another girl. I told Mom and Dad that I was going to marry her one day, and we would live happily ever after. I laid out everything for them - my whole grand scheme. Mom and Dad were so happy." "Of course, little did I know that I would go through all those problems with Lindsay, and we would not even talk to each other for an entire month. I did not understand why Lindsay was not interested in me at the time. I called Mom and Dad every day, and EVERY DAY, I ...
    ... whined and complained to them about Lindsay. I did not understand why we weren't together. Mom and Dad knew how much I loved her." Trish actually cracked a smile, though it was a small one. "Then, all of a sudden, I am back with Lindsay, and everything in the world is right. Mom and Dad were overjoyed. Do you remember the first time they met Lindsay, Jeremy? Mom asked Lindsay when was she was FINALLY going to marry me." Trish stifled a giggle (hey, it was progress) and added, "I was SO mad at Mom for that! But we laughed about it afterward." "Anyway, Mom told me earlier that Dad was so proud of me," she reiterated. "He said I was strong and courageous, and he was overjoyed that Lindsay and I got married in a big, lavish wedding and thus, we did not hide our love for each other from no one." Trish glanced downward, trying to hide the surge of hurt suddenly flashing across her face. "In fact, Mom said Dad had never been more proud of me... than he was on the day Lindsay and I... got married. Never more pr-proud of m-me..." "They still do not quite understand our marriage now, though, and the whole group dynamic?" I inquired. "No, and they probably never will," Trish frowned. "Talking my mom and my two sisters now, I suppose. They know you are a good man, Jeremy, and that you love and care for me. So did Dad. My whole family would be perfectly fine with Lindsay as my wife, and you as my husband. It would be different, yes, but they would be perfectly fine with it." "It's just when ...