1. Island Fever 4: Paradise - Chapter 04

    Date: 1/10/2016, Categories: Diary, Female/Female Male / Females Author: JeremyDCP, Source: sexstories.com

    ... you start throwing the other girls into the mix - like a Kristanna, like a Pamela and the others - that's when it becomes confusing to them. It is difficult for my family to comprehend me being in a relationship with six other women and one man." "But you know what?" Trish added. "My dad always asked me if I was happy. He would call me on the telephone and ask if I am happy. He did not understand our relationship, but because I was happy, he supported it. Mom, Christie and Melissa all took his cue." Trish frowned again. "He was a wonderful father; the best father in the world. And... I... I'm going to miss h-him. Dad was... he was my best friend." Trish suddenly began to cry. "I t-told him not too l-long ago, th-th-that I planned on delivering a li-little grandson, or granddaughter, for him soon. I... I can't be-be-believe... he wo-won't be around, when the time c-c-comes." Again, I brought Trish into my arms and lovingly held and caressed her. There was really nothing for me to say in response to that. I had always known that Trish dreamed of being a parent one day, and looked forward to the idea of her own mother and father being involved in some fashion with the childbirth. I actually began to feel guilty that I had not already made that dream a reality for Trish, and that John would never get the opportunity to meet her children. I was going to keep blaming myself for everything, it seemed, and fall deeper and deeper into the abyss. Perhaps one day, the hole would be so ...
    ... deep that I may never get out. Exasperated, I settled upon the sofa, and felt my eyelids starting to get really heavy. They were slowly closing, and I could not fight it. My last memory of the late evening was Trish sobbing oh-so-gently, but I had the feeling that she was about to pass out at any given moment - like I just did... * * * "Mr. and Mrs. [Last Name]," I heard next, a man's voice bringing me out of a peaceful slumber. I opened my eyes and saw the hotel manager - the same gentleman who I found to be so very attentive and thoughtful - standing over me, with a concierge employee next to him. Startled and temporarily unsure of my surroundings (or even where I was), I jerked about upon the sofa, and then realized that Trish was all nice and snuggled within my arms. "I apologize, sir," the manager said, "but it is five in the morning, and the breakfast crowd will be coming in soon. I imagine you do not want to be sleeping amongst a sea of strangers who are enjoying their breakfast meals?" "No..." I told him, trying to clear the mental cobwebs. "Jeremy?" I heard Trish moan, as she began to rustle about. "Where's Lindsay?" she asked involuntarily - without even a thought - before realizing that we had company with us. "Oh," Trish murmured, looking up at them groggily. "Hi?" "Good morning, ma'am," the manager smiled back at her. "It's been a rough 24 or 36 hours," I told him, and the other employee. "Maybe 48... I'm not quite sure anymore. My wife lost her father, he died ...