1. Island Fever 4: Paradise - Chapter 04

    Date: 1/10/2016, Categories: Diary, Female/Female Male / Females Author: JeremyDCP, Source: sexstories.com

    ... on... Friday. No... that was Norway time... it was Thur... Thursday here. We flew 4,000 miles to get here, and she was so upset overnight, I... I took her out for a walk, and we stopped here. We... we must have dozed off here... on the sofa, overnight. I am sorry if it caused any issues." "It's not a problem at all, sir, and my sincerest and deepest apologies for the loss of your father, ma'am," he told us. "I lost my father five years ago; it is not easy. I just thought you may prefer to sleep in your room is all." "That's... a good idea," I sighed. He motioned toward the hotel clerk, who promptly handed me my tablet. "That was on the floor next to you, sir. I suggest you check the sofa cushions in case you dropped anything else. Please make sure nothing is missing before you go back to your room. If either of us could be of any further assistance to you, please, do not hesitate to ask." "Thank you." He smiled at Trish. "Did we have enough _Kool-Aid_ packages delivered to your suite, Mrs. [Last Name]?" "More than enough," Trish smirked in response. * * * Fortunately, all of the other ladies were still fast asleep (as were Kaden and Piper) when Trish and I returned to the hotel suite a few moments later. I had left them a note indicating that Trish and I were stepping out for a bit, but would be back later. As it turned out, the note was not necessary. I crumpled it up and tossed it into the trash. I gave Trish a hug and a kiss, and she promptly slinked back onto the ...
    ... pull-out sofa bed and cuddled with her precious Lindsay. If there was only one place that Trish would find solace and comfort, I knew that it would be in Lindsay's arms. Then, I went back to the side room, and crawled into bed with the lovely duo of Pamela and Amy. I splayed a series of loving kisses upon Amy's baby bump, and made her giggle in the process even as she continued to sleep. A mere three minutes later, I was out like a light again. It was time for me to finally get some much-needed rest. * * * "Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man," Lindsay sang to Kaden several hours later in a soft, loving tone, as they sat across from each other upon the pull-out sofa bed and bopped hands in unison. "Bake me a cake as fast as you can." It was just past noon here at the hotel. I was relaxing in the adjacent chair while Kristanna leaned against the wall, sipping a cup of coffee, both of us watching (and admiring) Lindsay as she sang nursery rhymes to our little son in order to keep him engaged, and happy. Lindsay, like Trish, was going to be an excellent mother one day. "Roll it, pat it, mark it with a B," Lindsay continued in verse. "Put it in the oven for baby and me!" Kaden was squealing and full of absolute delight. He was always so happy whenever Lindsay played with him. The past two days had obviously been quite somber for our group, but Lindsay made up her mind earlier this morning that she did not want those negative thoughts and emotions to spill over and effect Kaden and/or ...