1. Georgina in the library

    Date: 8/25/2015, Categories: Hardcore Author: theliterarypainter, Source: xHamster

    ... enough of it. Call me greedy if you will, but I just wanted more and more. Fearing that she’d feel we were going too far, that she’d call a halt to everything any moment, I very gradually nudged against the top of her sweatpants, gently easing the material downwards to edge closer and closer towards her promised land. Each time I got a little closer, I’d kiss my way back up her stomach to her breasts, taking her stiff little nipples back inside my hot mouth, albeit through her leotard. Her breathing was more like a series of sighs now, she was lying back with her head turned to the side, just letting the sensations wash over her. She didn’t look as though she wanted to stop any time soon. The adrenalin was buzzing around my system, my heart beating like a drum in a rock band. I paused, wondering if I should play it safe, take it slow, keep to the area we had already explored. I would have been perfectly happy if she wanted to slow it down, of course, but there and then I decided I wasn’t going to take the safe option just then. I’d stop if she wanted, but the possibilities were so tantalising, I had to at least try. Subtly, attempting to avoid any chance that she’d suddenly become afraid or nervous, I shifted slightly, downwards, still lying beside her where she had the option to flee if she needed to, but coming to rest in a position where I could pursue a more thrilling course. I was kissing delicately along the thin material of her leotard, just above her waistline but ...
    ... again nudging her sweatpants down a little, when she reached down to unfasten the cord tied around her waist. If this wasn’t an invitation to continue, I don’t know what it was. It set my pulse racing again, the thought buzzing around my head that this exquisite creature was opening herself up to me, that I might get to sample her sweet nectar — even after just a few hours of knowing her. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world, and once she had the knot unfastened, I gently slid her sweatpants down over her slender hips, revealing the rest of her leotard, her sweet mound, her smooth thighs. She actively helped me to pull the garment off her, boosting my own confidence and reassuring me a little that she warm enough to part with it just then. I kissed her upper thigh, just below the high-cut arch of her leotard, tasting that slight saltiness on her skin. She touched my chin, tilted my head up to look into her eyes, and she said: “You don’t have to. I mean, I know I had gymnastics earlier and — “ “I can’t get enough of you,” I said, kissing her lower abdomen just an inch or two above that exhilarating rise of her mound. “Mmm… then take whatever you want…” she replied with a moan that made me quiver inside. I kissed the bare skin over her hips, then down to her inner thighs, indulging myself in her beauty, her velvet skin, and that fizzing sense of anticipation as I edged closer to the very center of her arousal. Her skin was already warm to the touch, but as I moved closer to ...