1. Georgina in the library

    Date: 8/25/2015, Categories: Hardcore Author: theliterarypainter, Source: xHamster

    9.37pm. The clockface of my watch stared back at me as I caught my breath. I was pretty sure all the way to the library immediately after training was not the requisite cool down that my coach expected, but this wasn’t the time for that. The glass doors of the library closed behind me. I had 23 minutes. I cursed my lecturer under my breath. Who gives an “open book” exam the next morning when the book is a restricted one that cannot be borrowed out from the library. What’s more, there was only one copy stocked. I groaned, hoping that I would be the only last minute mugger in the library before closing time. I made me way to the furthest corner of the second floor, where the restricted section was. Thankfully there was only one girl using the book by the time I reached the restricted section. “Just five minutes, then you can have it,” she said. The seconds and minutes ticked by. 9.48pm. She handed the book over. I took it from her, and rushed toward the nearest table. Setting my bag down, I took out a notebook and started scribbling. ***** There was some illumination in the central stairway — coming from a set of lights that were clearly meant to guide the way in an emergency — so I slowed to a leisurely pace on the way down the steps towards the ground level. The thought that I might arrive at the front desk to find nobody there did not even cross my mind until I arrived. “Hello?” Silence. “Uh… hello?” Turning the lights off must have been the very last thing the library ...
    ... staff did before vacating the building. The doors at the front of the building were very firmly locked. I tried shaking them, in that pointless way that never works with locked doors. I was trapped. Even the main controls for the lights were out there in the lobby, sealed off just beyond reach. It was going to have to remain dark in here. I tried taking out my iPhone to use the flashlight function, only to realise the battery died during training. Typical. Can’t last the day without dying at least once. I decided to walk around to try to find an exit, and thought the roof was my best bet. A couple of flights up, and I nearly had a heart attack as a pale figure was approaching. I’ve never really believed in ghosts, but when you’re on your own in a big empty building like that, such skepticism can fade. After an initial shock, however, I realised that the figure was not otherworldly, but human. It turned out to be one of my schoolmates by the name of Georgina. We weren’t in the same class but I had seen her around school before. She was wearing white sneakers, sweatpants and a jacket. Her long, black hair tied back in a ponytail. She wasn’t the prettiest girl in school, but she was know for being one of the nicest, most caring people around. She was hugging her books in front like some kind of shield, and looking back at me as though I might be some kind of ghost myself. “Hey,” she said a little breathlessly. “Hey,” I returned. “Looks like we’re locked in.” “They just left?” she ...