1. Georgina in the library

    Date: 8/25/2015, Categories: Hardcore Author: theliterarypainter, Source: xHamster

    ... for me to be able to breathe in her subtle but sweet scent. I savoured her alluring perfume, breathing deeply but trying not to make it too obvious the effect she was having on me. Despite my best attempts, she still caught me staring at her occasionally. “Something on your mind?” She grinned. “Yeah, but you wouldn’t want to know.” “Tell me!” She hit my arm playfully. “Well…” “Well, what!” “Promise you won’t mind?” “No. Just tell me!” She was insistent. “You know… I’m a guy, you’re a girl. We’re in a dark deserted library. Certain thoughts just come creeping into your mind.” I waited, half expecting a slap to come my way. But her mouth curled into a seductive smile, and she said, “You’ll be surprised. Guys aren’t the only ones with these thoughts.” I was taken aback. “I’m not sure whether anything will happen though, that just depends.” “Depends on what?” I said, innocently enough. Then she was up on all fours, her pretty face moving towards mine. “On how good a kisser you are.” Georgina leaned forward, and I could not believe my luck. My world was filled with her pretty face, her sweet fragrance, her soft yet burning lips. After my initial shock, I tentatively kissed her back, echoing her delicate exploration of my own lips, gazing into those sultry eyes as I breathed nothing but her glorious scent, a heady mix of sweet vanilla perfume and the subtle mustiness of her natural aroma. I was quite breathless when at last we parted. “Wow,” she said, apparently as breathless as ...
    ... me. “So did I pass?” “Hmmm…” she said, shuffling forward. “Well, I think you passed the first part of the test.” “How many parts are there?” “Oh, lots.” Then she leaned forwards again, and once again we were sharing the sweetest of kisses. I was burning up inside. I had never kissed anyone like this before, her affect on me was like some kind of d**g. As we tangled, I touched her soft cheek, marvelling at her beauty. I gently cradled her head as our tongues danced together, and it wasn’t long before her hands swept up to press me towards her, and we were locked in the most incredible heat. “You know the perfect way to warm a girl up,” she said as we parted again, both a little short on oxygen. “Happy to be of service,” I said. “We might have to cool down a bit.” “You want to stop?” I asked, wondering what we’d do instead, since there was now a whole different kind of energy between us. “No,” she smiled slyly. She motioned for me to relocate to a corner with some beanbags stacked against the wall. Being on the floor gave us a lot more room, a lot more freedom. Georgina drew out the band from her ponytail, and as I kissed her mouth, I was able to run my fingers through her silky hair. I caressed her face, her chin, her slender neck, luxuriating in the velvet-soft texture of her skin, teasing out a quite moan from this exquisite creature. The beanbags were surprisingly accommodating as we writhed together, Georgina now clamping her coltish legs around my body, pressing herself ...