1. Georgina in the library

    Date: 8/25/2015, Categories: Hardcore Author: theliterarypainter, Source: xHamster

    ... said, wrinkling her brow with a touch of outrage. “They didn’t check anyone was still here?” “If they did, they didn’t do it very well. I’m heading upstairs, there’s no signal down there,” I waggled my phone by way of explanation. She nodded, and stepped aside to let me through, before following closely behind as I continued the climb back up towards the top floor. “Where were you?” I asked as we progressed up the seemingly endless steps. “When the lights went out, I mean.” “I was kind of hiding,” she admitted, “I needed to use a book in the restricted section for an essay due tomorrow.” I laughed and explained my similar predicament. “You too?” she flashed a heart-stopping smile. I nodded, trying not to seem like I was staring at her. It was difficult not to, though. I suddenly realised she wasn’t striking, but her looks just grow on you. I was a little surprised I hadn’t taken more notice of her before. She explained, “I had to come here straight after practice tonight. Our coach kept us late. Only had an hour to work on the essay before the lights went out.” We made small talk as we tried to find a way out. As Murphy’s Law would have it, her phone was unable to get reception in this ghosttown of a library. We contemplated breaking the glass, but didn’t know where we would find $1,000 to pay the fine for doing so in non-emergency cases. In the end, we resigned ourselves to our fate. We would just have to wait the night out. In the meantime, we could start on our respective ...
    ... pieces of work. ***** At 2am, we decided to take a walk around the library as it was getting quite cold. We were both walking in tandem up the stairwell. As each moment passed, I had to admit I did enjoy spending time with this girl. “Maybe I just need to run up and down the stairs a little,” she said. “That’ll warm me up.” She broke away from me, and suddenly leaned over backwards, making me jump a little. I thought she’d fainted or something. Instead of collapsing, she just leaned gracefully into a casual flip, her hands confidently placed on the floor, her feet flicking daintily over the rest of her body before touching back down on the floor so that she could right herself. “I’ll be all right,” she said, with a little grin at my obvious look of wonderment. I knew gymnasts were supposed to be flexible, but her display caught me a little off-guard. “I wish I could do that,” I said, still astonished. “I could teach you,” she smirked. “I don’t think so!” On the way back, Georgina would performed a few more little cartwheels, showing off her lithe little frame. She really was stunningly alluring. It made me want to watch her actually compete, and not only because I’d get to see her without her training gear on, although I imagined that would be a delicious sight. “See?” she said, “I’ve warmed up a little already.” “Great. Now if only I could do a little gymnastics…” We settled in again back at the table. This time though, she sat next to me instead of opposite me, close enough ...