1. A Family Betrayal Chapter 32

    Date: 12/28/2015, Categories: Fiction Asian, Black, Coercion Cruelty Death, Interracial, Latina, Non-Erotic, Pregnant, Romance Violence Wife Author: Hawkrider, Source: sexstories.com

    ... day with a new found relationship between a brother and sister, and that was deep trust as she trusted me with Lindsey in my heart. Those weeks that lead to the wedding was filled with all the women in the family going to be fitted for dresses. Gina and Tracey showed the mom’s, godmoms, my five fiancees, and sisters to a dress shop. I just shook my head knowing the seamstress would need plenty of help. While the women were getting all fitted for the wedding. My godfathers were in charge of catering for the wedding/commitment ceremony. I found out they were more on the level of volunteered to do it by momma Ellie, Verna, and Kiko saying they wanted to help Faye and Allison out. So started the fight between the three debating on what to have catered. Karen and the kids shouted burgers and hot dogs while my brothers all seven of them chimed in steak. I didn’t join in on the so called argument while holding Lindsey and Serena since we were watching her. Us three watched the kids and adults keep up the childish fighting when Serena got off my lap to stand between them all. She raised her hand getting Papa Nate’s attention. “ Yes honey what is it?” He asks while she looked up over at him “ Why not both for catering.” She says running back to me crawling up to return sitting across from Lindsey “ You know she is right Papa Nate. Why not have both burgers and hot dogs for the kids and steaks for all the adults.” I exclaim seeing my godfathers all nod “ Well go with little Serena’s ...
    ... idea since she acts older then she is.” Papa Ricky says getting groans So with that decided they all three start making phone calls from the numbers Ron gave them the other day. As I sat in my chair thinking feeling Lindsey and Serena cuddle up to me while Karen and the boys sit down in front of me watching Pacific Rim on t.v. I think life could not get any better. Finally as January left February took it’s place. The remaining week and a half until Valentines Day was filled with remaining dress fittings and suits for the guys. Momma Verna got help with a big canopy to put on the beach. Benches were lent to us for all the family and few friends to sit upon. Since this was my first marriage and my fiancee’s first we wanted it to be done right. Karen, Lindsey, and Serena were fitted with dresses also being the flower girls. My sons were going to be the ring bearers with Lil Heath being the moms. I was nervous in that final week as to what I would say. I rehearsed my words in my head over and over. Hoping that two loving souls might help me during this coming event. The day had come to find myself standing just outside the canopy waiting for the music to start. The best men Chris, Adam, Jack, Travis, and Jamie have all ready walked the maid of honors down being Selena, Michelle, Kaye, Sierra, Mandy, and Renee to the alter. Karen, Lindsey, and Serena just walked down spreading red and white rose petals amongst the sand. I turned to my left to look at my beautiful mother. “ You ...