1. A Family Betrayal Chapter 32

    Date: 12/28/2015, Categories: Fiction Asian, Black, Coercion Cruelty Death, Interracial, Latina, Non-Erotic, Pregnant, Romance Violence Wife Author: Hawkrider, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Karen and the boys in their bedroom. While Allison took over what was mom’s room. We told her she could fix it up however she wanted to. Allison thanked me for all I had done for her and Lindsey. I told her they both were very welcome. During that second week of January two things occurred. The first was momma Faye gave Allison a job as her assistant doing weddings to help her provide for Lindsey. The second was Allison and I going to my lawyer to get some paper work started. Since Lindsey called me daddy I thought why not make it official. It was on a Wednesday around 1 o’clock in the afternoon that Allison and I sat in Eric’s office. Allison presented him all the information he would need plus the new information I was sent. He looked it all over before looking up between me and Allison. “ Look I understand you want to make your daughter’s life a bit better, but I must well deny this to happen.” Eric says shocking Allison and I “ But why? I haven’t done anything wrong.” Allison says looking hurt at his words “ I am sure you haven’t, but I am looking after my client’s best interest.” Eric says meaning me Allison looks between him and I before standing up to only walk out of the office. I let out a sigh only to follow her out of the office hearing Eric try to stop me. I make my way out to see Allison standing at the front door. I walk up to her placing my arms around her. “ Allison I am sure he didn’t mean anything by what he said.” I say trying to calm her “ Heath maybe ...
    ... not, but what he was getting at was I wanted you to adopt Lindsey for money. I don’t want any money from you as you have done so much already. I just want my daughter to have her most important wish in knowing that you are her daddy on paper. She loves you that much Heath.” Allison tells me with tears that make my heart sadden I let her cry before taking her back into Eric’s office. He looks at the both of us with some concern. “ Heath I am sorry for what I said it’s just.” He tries to finish before I cut him off “ Eric I know you are looking out for me as you did May, but Lindsey looks at me as her daddy. Allison just wants to make that happen for her daughter.” I say seeing him look at Allison intently “ Please sir make my daughter’s wish come true.” Allison asks in a pleading way “ Ok so you willing to take in another munchkin Heath?” He asks with a smile “ Yep I sure am.” I say as he motions us to take our seats while he starts the process I look over to see Allison smiling knowing Lindsey was about to be happy a second time in the past few weeks. After Eric fills out all the paperwork then has Allison and I sign a few he then has one of his para legals take it to the court house to be signed. He tells us to give it a few weeks, but to him Lindsey was my daughter. Allison thanked Eric with a hug after telling him she wanted Lindsey to know she would always be cared for if anything happened to her. I stood not far shaking my head hoping nothing happened to her. We left that ...