1. A Family Betrayal Chapter 32

    Date: 12/28/2015, Categories: Fiction Asian, Black, Coercion Cruelty Death, Interracial, Latina, Non-Erotic, Pregnant, Romance Violence Wife Author: Hawkrider, Source: sexstories.com

    ... the beach house instead of going to a hotel. Dwight said it was like camping out like they use to when going some where on the road. Caleb, Simon, E.P., and Jax agreed saying family stays with family. I had to admit they were right after all. Caleb and Simon said their crews were in Oklahoma getting a big start on the house. I asked about their families in which I was put at ease with them telling me they were with them for the holidays. I smiled knowing this information. New Years Eve finally comes with a day of games for the kids as the adults separate to talk about this or that. All the women talk of the upcoming wedding in February. Dwight and Yvonne say they will be here as their momma Tessa wasn’t going to get married without them to see it. I understood that for I wanted all our family here for the occasion. Tessa asked her daughters Shelby, Lisa, Sasha, Lucy, Savannah, and Megan to stand with her. Mom asked Kaye and Michelle to stand with her in which made Faye ask Jasmine and Diamond to only have Jacqueline ask Tiffany and Hannah. I shook my head thinking this would be a wedding to remember. That night there is dancing and talks of the coming year. We let the kids stay up letting them have kool aid while the rest of us had wine or beer. My loves, Sierra, and Mandy don’t drink a sip because of the babies. When the time came close Karen yelled about the ball drop. That made us all get ready to toast in the new year. We counted down to midnight with Times Square on ...
    ... t.v. Once the ball hit we all yelled ‘ Happy New Year’. Everyone hugged those close to them with a kiss or just hugged. The kids got hugs from everyone around the room. After the party whined down, and everyone were turning in for the night. I stood by the mantle with my glass of wine. I looked at the locket I had given Grandma May. I looked at her beautiful face before I spoke. “ Thank you grandma for giving me a place that brought my family together. This house shall always be our home. I love and miss you so much. Please look over the kids as I know you always have. Happy New Year Grandma and please give dad a hug for me.” I say taking a sip of my wine before placing it by her urn as letting her have a sip Making my way to the stairs I get half way up them when I hear a soothing voice speak to me. “ I will always watch over my great grandbabies and my family. I love you to my loving grandson.” The voice says as I finish making my way to the bedroom I smiled finishing my way to the bedroom to join the loves of my life for a well deserved night of sleep. Days after the 1st of January Nick and his family left going back to Alabama. Again Tessa, Nicky, and Justin stayed. Nick reassured us that they would be back up in February for the wedding. I smiled knowing that just in over a month I would be married to five beautiful women two older then me. I didn’t care because I loved each equally with all my heart. Allison and Lindsey finally got cozy in their new home. Lindsey joined ...