1. A Family Betrayal Chapter 32

    Date: 12/28/2015, Categories: Fiction Asian, Black, Coercion Cruelty Death, Interracial, Latina, Non-Erotic, Pregnant, Romance Violence Wife Author: Hawkrider, Source: sexstories.com

    ... nervous mom?” I ask her seeing sparkling eyes β€œ Yes honey I am. Are you baby boy?” She answered asking in return β€œ Yeah, but we will get through this with no worries.” I answer getting a smile β€œ Well that’s us baby let’s go.” My mother says as the music started Mom and I made our way down the aisle as everyone turned to see us. She was wearing a off white dress with a shaw to keep her shoulders warm. Once we got to the alter we stood on either side awaiting our loves. At that moment we watched as the flap on the canopy opened and there walking down the same aisle was Papa Mike escorting Jasmine and momma Faye. Behind them was Papa Nate with Diamond and Hannah, then Papa Ricky with Tiffany and Jacqueline. Next was Caleb with Jessie followed by Nick with Tessa. My sons and Lil Heath was already by the alter holding small pillows that the rings laid upon. Once our loves were handed to us we all turned to Momma Verna to see her bright smile light up. The music was turned off as she started to speak. β€œ Dearly beloved we are here today to witness love come together. Although some would think these ten were crazy they would probably be right.” She pauses getting laughs before continuing β€œ But seriously these ten found a love that most could never find. I have seen each of them show that love in many ways. As a mother to six of them and a sister to four I hope those here today can feel their love too. So with that said I will let Heath start by making his vows be said.” I nodded ...
    ... before turning to my five loves. Taking their hands three in my right and two in my left I began with a smile. β€œ Each of you came into my life when I need love. Jasmine you were there when I was at my lowest thinking I would never find love again. You kept me straight on my path as I saw the world in a new light.” I say looking at Diamond to continue β€œ Diamond you are that next heart that showed me love also. You are wild and fun to be around. When I was being stupid you set me straight.” I say seeing tears before looking at Hannah β€œ Hannah you started as a sister, but confessed your love months ago to me. You made it clear you wanted to be a part of what Jasmine and Diamond had. I am glad you did for I loved you just the same.” Again I see tears before looking at Tiffany” Tiffany what can I say you have known me the longest besides Jasmine. You broke my heart long ago, but never stopped loving me. You stayed true to yourself all those years with hope to be with me again, and here we are darlin. You gave us a daughter just as Jasmine and Diamond gave me sons.” I say feeling tears hit my hands looking at Jessie Lee β€œ Jessie just like Hannah you confessed your love for me and those next to you. You wanted to be a part of me as well with them. I love you all so much, and want everyday to wake up with you in my arms.” I say pausing before looking at each one before I continue ending my vows β€œ I vow to all five of you I will never leave you. I will protect you all with all I am. I ...