1. A Family Betrayal Chapter 32

    Date: 12/28/2015, Categories: Fiction Asian, Black, Coercion Cruelty Death, Interracial, Latina, Non-Erotic, Pregnant, Romance Violence Wife Author: Hawkrider, Source: sexstories.com

    ... will stay true to my heart and all five of yours. Until my last breath I will be the husband you want, need, and desire until the end of time.” When I finish there are awes coming from all those present. Momma Verna looks at my five seeing nods as Diamond speaks up. “ I guess I will speak for us since we came up with the same kind of vows.” Diamond says looking up into my eyes “ Baby each of us have loved you since that first hello or that first look in your eyes. You have showed each of us what love is. You have been through so much that you never give up. Heath you are the heart that keeps us alive. Every since that first kiss we never wanted another. Heath our love we vow to keep you happy. We vow to never leave what gives us love. We will always protect you through life as we know it. Heath we Jasmine, Hannah, Tiffany, Jessie, and I give ourselves to you fully by making our love sealed with a ring. We love you baby so very much as the birth of our kids are proof of that love.” Again everyone awes as Verna asks for the rings. Once my sons step up I place the rings for my five on their fingers as they each take my ring kissing it before Diamond places it on my left ring finger. We turn to look at Verna. “ By the vows that were said, and the rings placed on their fingers. I by the power given to me I pronounce to all here Mr. and Mrs’s Heath Thompson. You may kiss your brides son.” Momma Verna says as I do just that After I kissed each one I take my place stepping back as ...
    ... they do the same becoming bride maids for the mothers. Mom steps up as does those that she loves. “ Now it’s not unheard of that a woman will marry a woman, but today we have four beautiful women that share one heart. I have known Maggie for many years and know her heart. She is a amazing woman who like her son was hurt for so many years. Now with that said I give Maggie her turn.” Momma Verna says as I stand to witness something wonderful Mom takes Faye and Jacqueline’s hands with a smile. “ To begin I will say my vows to my two first. Faye, Jacqueline you both have been there for me ever since I came out here. I have found love again through you both. At one point I felt hurt, but that went away with both your love for me. I vow to be the wife you crave in this life and the next. I vow to never stray for another as I give my life to both of you forever and always.” My mother says before Verna nods to them “ Maggie you are a woman’s wet dream. I have searched for that heart that would brighten mine up. Between you and Jacqueline I have become whole. Now with another that is waiting we all become one.” Momma Faye states before Tessa steps up taking my mom’s hand “ Maggie baby there was only one person I loved the way I love you. He left my life due to health reasons. He would want me to move on and I have baby. Maggie I vow to protect you and our wives. I will never hurt or leave any of you. After today I will stay in your arms and give you however you want me in bed. I love ...