1. A Family Betrayal Chapter 32

    Date: 12/28/2015, Categories: Fiction Asian, Black, Coercion Cruelty Death, Interracial, Latina, Non-Erotic, Pregnant, Romance Violence Wife Author: Hawkrider, Source: sexstories.com

    ... you baby so very much. With my heart with yours us four shall never want another.” Tessa says with tears flowing down her face Lil Heath steps up as each mom picks up a ring for the other. Verna smiles before speaking her last words. β€œ What these four share may no one condone them as their love is never breakable.” Momma Verna says pausing with a smile before she continues β€œ I give you Maggie, Tessa, Faye, and Jacqueline four hearts becoming one. Maggie you may kiss your wives.” At that moment my mother does just that. The canopy erupts in cheers and applause as they kiss while I go to kiss my wives with a smile. There was clapping and cheering with everyone con gratulating us all. After I gave each of my wives a kiss mom spoke up saying it was to cold now to be outside. So we all went up to the warm house to begin the reception. We made room for dancing amongst the living room. Adam and Jamie became d.j.’s for the day piping out good music through the speakers. Adam put on a slow song for us to have the first dance to. The kids stated they wanted to dance with us. So my five beautiful wives picked a kid each making me stand in the middle of them all. I held onto Jasmine and Diamond who had our sons while Tiffany held Karen, Hannah had Lil Heath while Jessie held Lindsey. That moment felt so right as I looked over to see the moms holding one another in loving embraces. Pictures were taken by the family to which I found out later that Allison was going to do something with ...
    ... them for us. As the reception went on for hours it was around 6 that evening that Chris stood up making a toast. β€œ If someone had told me years ago that my baby brother would be marrying five beautiful women I would of decked them.” He says getting laughs before continuing β€œ But serious Heath you were always the smart one of us growing up. You put those around you first before yourself. CHST LLC. wouldn’t of been a company without you. So to you my baby kid brother I thank you and congratulate you on the path that brought you to this day.” Everyone applauded to his words as I went to give him a bear hug. My wives thanked him with a hug and kiss on the cheek after I let him down. Selena gave me a hug with a kiss before looking up in my eyes. β€œ I am so proud of you baby brother. You treat them good or I will kick your ass all over Virginia.” She says getting a chuckle β€œ I will don’t worry about that.” I say to her getting a smile plus an nod β€œ So where are you all going for your honeymoon?” Aunt Gina asks getting smiles from those that just got married β€œ Here as we can’t fly so why not spend it here.” Diamond states answering Gina’s question β€œ Aww that is just not right.” Tracey says with disappointment β€œ No it’s really ok. Once the babies are born, and we have healed we already talked of taking a honeymoon in July with the moms.” Jasmine states getting nods from our mothers β€œ Yep it’s going to be a big joined honeymoon.” My mother states as Tessa holds her from behind β€œ And I ...