1. A Family Betrayal Chapter 32

    Date: 12/28/2015, Categories: Fiction Asian, Black, Coercion Cruelty Death, Interracial, Latina, Non-Erotic, Pregnant, Romance Violence Wife Author: Hawkrider, Source: sexstories.com

    ... can’t wait to get this sexy woman in a two piece.” Tessa says getting her sons to roll their eyes β€œ Mom please no mental images jeez.” Justin exclaims getting a room full of laughter I know Justin was kidding around by his smile after going to Tessa and my mother to hug them both before turning to hug Faye and Jacqueline calling them his other moms. Nick does the same before looking over at me. β€œ Now that your my brother I have something to tell you.” He states as I look at him with a raised eye brow β€œ And what is that big brother of mine?” I ask him seeing Caleb and Simon step up close to him handing him something Nick makes his way over to me with a smile before handing me the object. I accept it seeing it is a leather jacket. β€œ Wait what’s this Nick?” I ask being confused by the thought β€œ This is the family crest. All those that come into my family has a jacket. So this is my wedding gift for you.” He states with a few tears before helping me put it on β€œ Oh my this is a nice moment.” Tessa says getting mom’s attention β€œ What do you mean baby?” My mother asks turning to look at Tessa β€œ Honey what Nick is doing is making our son a honorary member. His father did the same for a old friend of his long ago, but in a different manner. What Nick is saying he trusts Heath with his life and the lives of his family. Because if something were to happened to Nick he would expect Heath to take over protecting those Nick has for years.” Tessa explains as my heart feels a warmth it ...
    ... hasn’t in years I hear her words run through my head again before it clicks. β€œ Nick I would be honored to protect our family from what comes it’s way.” I say as he then hugs me tight β€œ I know you will with the help of all those around us.” He says as I look at his family and mine seeing them all nod β€œ THOMPSON AND COVINGTON MAY NO ONE BREAK OUR FAMILY UP!” My other brothers say in unison as everyone agrees I smile wearing my gift with pride. My wives come up to me smiling in which Jessie speaks up. β€œ Damn baby you look so sexy in that.....your only wearing that tonight in our bed.” Jessie says getting giggles β€œ Your just a nympho darling.” Jasmine states getting a giggle herself β€œ Yes but only for my husband and wives.” Jessie says getting nods After everyone gets a laugh I smile before going over to Lindsey. I reach behind to pull the envelope out of the right back pocket to hand it to her. She looks up at me with confusion before speaking. β€œ What’s this daddy?” She asks in her cute voice β€œ Open it and see baby girl.” I answer seeing her do just that Once open she pulls out the document that it holds. She squints her eyes trying to read it. β€œ Um daddy what does these big words mean?” My other daughter asks as Karen goes to stand by Lindsey β€œ Well sweetie those big words mean that I am officially your daddy.” Those words come out when I see two sets of eyes widen β€œ You mean Lindsey is my sister now?” My oldest asks getting a nod from me I watch as both look at each other then up ...