1. A Family Betrayal Chapter 32

    Date: 12/28/2015, Categories: Fiction Asian, Black, Coercion Cruelty Death, Interracial, Latina, Non-Erotic, Pregnant, Romance Violence Wife Author: Hawkrider, Source: sexstories.com

    ... at me raising their arms. I bend over to pick both my little angels up. They hug me tight hanging on as I hear them both cry on my shoulders. We all enjoy the rest of the evening until around 10 o’clock that night when everyone starts to leave or head to their bedrooms. My wives lead me up to ours to only seal our marriage another way. That night is one for the record books as each get the love they have so wanted on this special night. I wore the jacket and only it. After a week of love making and being pampered by family members like breakfast in bed, dinner in bed which was new. The following Saturday was filled with the moms having me take them shopping. My wives wanted to stay home to regain their strength. I guess from all the tongue lashing they had received from Jessie and I wore them out. Jessie was even wore out from all the love I had given her. The godparents took the kids out for the day while my brothers and sisters went shopping to stock the house with food. Nick and his side of the family went to get some supplies to celebrate a week since his the wedding. After carrying bag after bag for the moms we headed back to the house around 2 o’clock in the afternoon. As I drove down the street to the family beach house my mom had me to stop. “ What is it mom? Why do you look like you seen a ghost?” I ask pulling over a few houses down “ See....see that car in front of the house?” She asks getting Tessa, Faye, Jacqueline, and I to look “ Yes we do darling what about ...
    ... it?” Jacqueline asks getting my mom to turn in the passenger seat to look at them and me “ That’s...that’s Tyrone’s caddie. He drives it every where he goes.” My mom says catching me to look again “ Are you sure mom? Really sure that is Tyrone’s car?” I ask feeling my gut grow knots “ Yes baby that is his car.” She exclaims before her eyes go wide “ OH GOD OUR DAUGHTERS!” “ Oh shit he better not be hurting them.” Momma Faye states as I pull my phone out “ Momma Tessa call Nick and the others and tell them to get back here. Momma Faye call Papa Mike and tell him to keep the kids away until he hears from you.” I proclaim instructions as they get their phones out “ Who are you calling son?” Mom asks me seeing my eyes “ My brothers telling them to get their asses here. Call William and Debra because we need their help.” I state as she does as asked While I call each of my brothers I stare at the house for any sign of entry. As far I can see the front door is shut. I tell my brother one after another to get home, but to park behind me. They all ask why in return I just tell them to hurry. Once calls are place we wait while I formulate a plan to save my wives. I knew I should of stayed home, but all five kept telling me to take the moms out for the day and spend time with them. The moms and I wait watching the house. It’s about 10 minutes later that most of the family arrive. I see William and Debra pull up in his van. He got the idea from mom that something was up. I step out as all ...