1. A Family Betrayal Chapter 32

    Date: 12/28/2015, Categories: Fiction Asian, Black, Coercion Cruelty Death, Interracial, Latina, Non-Erotic, Pregnant, Romance Violence Wife Author: Hawkrider, Source: sexstories.com

    ... the guys and Debra come over to me. “ What’s up bro?” Jack asks while I point at the car “ See that car? Mom says it’s Tyrone’s.” I say seeing Travis look “ Oh fuck it is Tyrone’s car. What the hell is he doing here?” My brother exclaims asking “ Probably to do what his flunkies couldn’t do.” William states getting nods “ Well I say we stop him, and show him what happens when you mess with this family.” Justin says getting nods “ Yes baby brother, but the right way. We are not going in there guns blazing. One of your sister’s could get hurt.” Nick says while Justin nods “ What’s the plan Prez?” Caleb asks getting Nick to think “ I already got one Caleb. William and Debra take the garage. You guys take the back and sneak in. I am sure they have their backs towards the beach. Jamie can go through a window on the bottom floor to keep anyone from going that way.” I state as each nod “ What about you Heath you are not packing a gun?” Nicky asks being very concerned “ I will be alright as I will have Travis, Chris, Jack, and Adam come with me.” I say getting nods “ What about us Heath baby?” I hear my mom ask me “ You and the moms stay here with Selena, Kaye, Michelle, Sierra, Mandy, Savannah, Megan, Shelby, and Lisa. You all keep watch for anyone else that may show up. Just don’t call the police. We don’t know what Tyrone or his help would do if they hear sirens.” I answer getting worried nods It’s at that moment Nick and those packing a gun check their weapons making sure they ...
    ... had a round in each chamber. William hands Jamie a tazer Jack and my other brothers clinch their fist to get ready in case they need them. My mom and the other moms get out to give me a hug. “ Heath go safe our daughters and unborn grandbabies.” Momma Faye says to me with worry in her eyes “ I will and everyone will momma Faye.” I say before breaking the hug Chris, Jack, Travis, Adam, and I start making our way to the house while the other separate going to the spots I told them. I know I would have to buy them minutes to get set up to take down how many were in the house. I was scared beyond anything as this was Tyrone. The man that took my family from me the first time. The man that has done all he could to take what was mine. The man that was about to know it was stupid to mess with me and those I loved. We made our way to the front door. I turned to look at my four brothers who would go through hell for me and our family. “ You guys ready?” I ask seeing them all nod “ Yep let’s do this.” Chris says with Jack and Adam nodding “ I’m with you Champ. As that fucker made me do shit I have been regretting all these months. I am never leaving your side again.” Travis says before I gave him a hug just to break it “ Ok just when we get inside try to stay calm so the others can get in position.” I say again getting nods I turned to the door taking a deep breath before opening it. I stepped in followed by my brothers. Travis was last shutting the door behind him. Once we stepped into ...