1. A Family Betrayal Chapter 32

    Date: 12/28/2015, Categories: Fiction Asian, Black, Coercion Cruelty Death, Interracial, Latina, Non-Erotic, Pregnant, Romance Violence Wife Author: Hawkrider, Source: sexstories.com

    ... the living room that was when my eyes went wide. There in front of us was my wives partially dressed. There shorts were off showing their panties. Each were handcuffed and crying. I looked to see they had been slapped with red hand prints on their faces. I looked to see Tyrone holding Jasmine by her hair with a knife to her throat. He had her in my chair with her legs spread.. He looked up to see us standing there with clinched fist. I looked next to him seeing a familiar man I had seen before. β€œ What the hell are you doing here Carl?’ I ask getting his attention β€œ Well, well if it isn’t Heath. I must say son you have very beautiful wives. To bad they won’t be yours much longer.” Carl says pulling on Tiffany’s hair making her cry more There were three more guys each holding one of my wives. β€œ What is that suppose to mean?’ Chris asks looking at each of those he called sisters β€œ What he means is that after Heath signs all he owns to me that we are going to take them and turn them into sluts and whores. We know some gentlemen that would love to breed them in every way, but first they need to lose the abominations in their bellies.” Tyrone says shocking us terrified β€œ I will never let that happen. I am not signing shit you motherfucker.” I say with anger as he smirks β€œ Oh what if I made you sign you brat. I don’t know how you stopped me from getting your families money, but I will find out right now.” He says taking the knife to Jasmine’s breast and lightly cutting her top off ...
    ... slowly β€œ HEATH LEAVE SAFE OUR FAMILY!” Jasmine yells before he stops to only slap her β€œ SHUT UP YOU BITCH! HE WILL SAVE HIS FAMILY, BUT NOT BEFORE SEEING YOU ALL FUCKED HARD!” Tyrone yells getting my Latina love to shut up I look pass him and Carl to see Nick, Caleb, Simon, Nicky, and Justin all in position. I look out of the corner of my right eye to the kitchen to see William and Debra ready. They all nod as I then see Jamie by the stairs out of sight of Tyrone. I nod once before smirking at Tyrone. β€œ So you want all that I have uh?’ I ask getting a nod β€œ Yes and your punk ass dead after I get everything even your mother and sister.” He says as Adam tries to take a step before I extend my arm out keeping him back β€œ Well how about this. You drop your little toy knife and we talk. I am sure you are a man that keeps his word to some extent.” I say as Nick slowly opens the sliding back door β€œ Actually I do, but not right now punk.” Tyrone says as I nod again It’s at that moment Nicky and Justin sneak up to Tyrone placing the barrel of their guns to his head. Nick is on Carl while Caleb and Simon take care of the other three. William and Debra come out fast to help them while Jamie comes running to help get Jasmine and my other wives away. β€œ WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!” Tyrone yells feeling two guns pointed at his head β€œ This is called family asshole. Chris, Adam, and Jack get the girls up stairs. Travis go get the others to help my wives.” I say seeing them all do as I ask My wives ...