1. A Family Betrayal Chapter 32

    Date: 12/28/2015, Categories: Fiction Asian, Black, Coercion Cruelty Death, Interracial, Latina, Non-Erotic, Pregnant, Romance Violence Wife Author: Hawkrider, Source: sexstories.com

    ... are helped up and away from the fuckers that came in my house. I make my way quickly to Tyrone who has a scared look in his eyes. The guys help my wives up the stairs as the front door opens fast. β€œ Where are they Heath?’ I hear my mom ask β€œ Upstairs help them.” I answer hearing them run Tyrone turns to look at my mother, before I take a hold of his head making him look at me. β€œ Well, well if it isn’t my long lost uncle or should I say dad.” Nick says as I look over in confusion β€œ Wait...what?” I ask as Nick turns to look at me β€œ This here is my no good Uncle Karl. The man that fucked up my family all those years ago.” Nick answers as I start thinking of all he told me and William then it clicks β€œ So you thought getting help from you mentor would help. Wow you are very stupid Tyrone.” I say seeing him glare at me β€œ No your the stupid one thinking this is over. Once the police get here we will be bailed out.” Tyrone says as I chuckle β€œ What police? Who said the police were coming?” I ask seeing his eyes show worry β€œ I thought a weakling like you would call the police. Like you did Trey.” Tyrone says as my family members laugh β€œ Nope no police as this is personal on a whole new level. See Tyrone you messed with the wrong family. You know that saying β€˜ A eye for a eye’. Well I am going to end this today.” I say looking over at Nick who nods β€œ Nick son you and I can still talk things out can’t we?” Karl states asking my brother β€œ Oh no Uncle Karl for you got a debt to pay for. I ...
    ... never got to finish what I was going to do all those years ago.” Nick says as I see fear in Karl’s eyes β€œ So what are you going to do to us?” One of their hired goons ask β€œ Oh that’s easy handsome.” Debra says pulling out a syringe from a holder before continuing β€œ Were going to have some fun with you three why my nephew and brother take care of your bosses now say goodnight Mary Ellen.” We watch as Debra sticks the guy in the neck causing him to go nighty night. β€œ Damn sis remind me not to piss you off.” Caleb says getting a smile from Debra β€œ That is what I said the last time.” Nick says as I look back at Tyrone β€œ Tyrone you ever watched Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome?” I ask getting a shook head β€œ No I never watched your kiddie shows.” He states getting chuckles β€œ Oh shit bro you don’t mean?” Justin asks getting a nod from me β€œ Yep, here is the deal Tyrone. If you can make it in a fight against me you are free to go. If not I will turn you over to my Uncle William.” I say seeing his eyes go wide before he smirks β€œ Deal as I know your all talk and no action.” Tyrone says as I hear footsteps come down the stairs I turn to see my brothers and sisters come down. β€œ How are my wives?” I ask getting smiles β€œ They are fine bro. The moms are calming them down. So what’s’s up?” Selena tells me as my brothers stand behind me β€œ Oh we going to have a fight on the beach. So everyone get your jackets back on so you don’t get cold, but for him take his off and his shirt.” I say pointing ...