1. A Mother and Son's Love Turns A Corner #5

    Date: 12/16/2015, Categories: First Time Taboo Voyeur, Author: HankWilliams1956, Source: xHamster

    ... the secretary stepped out and closed the door behind her. I stopped the recording and then went back and edited the recording right up to where dad said 'yes' then deleted everything after that, but set it to watch for anything else that may go on later, that we may want to see to use against him, if mom decideds to file for divorce, and needs a good reason to use it. When I was finished editing and putting it in a file with a code that only mom and I would know, I turned toward mom, then stepped over and pulled her toward me and hugged her for a moment, before saying, &#034Let's go down to the kitchen and get something to drink and get our thoughts gathered up, before it becomes time to get dressed as planned.&#034 Mom nodded her head yes, then we walked arm in arm down to the kitchen, where I pulled out a chair and helped her sit down, and then got us both a glass of ice tea, and then sat down next to her, putting her glass of tea on the table infront of her, then I put my arm around her as she leaned over toward me, and put her head on my ...
    ... shoulder, &#034You are so sweet to me son, and thank you for being here for me.&#034 &#034No need to thank me mom cause I love you so much, that I will do anything I can for you, and I want to hold you, and comfert you, and make love to you, for the rest of my life.&#034 &#034That is so sweet of you to think that that is what you want to do, but you will meet a woman to be your wife for the fact, you will not be able to live without her, so do not say that you want to live with me the rest of your life or my life even.&#034 Mom and I sat and talked while we drank our ice tea, then mom stood up and said, &#034Since your dad and that flusy of a secretary are going out to supper tonight, and he will not be home till around nine o'clock this evening, like he usually is, when he is supposed to be home from a so called buisness trip, I say let's go out and eat as well.&#034 &#034Sounds like a plan to me.&#034 &#034I'll even wear a new dress that I bought just for you to see, like I did the shirt and the skirt, I wore when we left the mall Saturday.&#034 