1. A Mother and Son's Love Turns A Corner #5

    Date: 12/16/2015, Categories: First Time Taboo Voyeur, Author: HankWilliams1956, Source: xHamster

    ... next morning when I got up, mother was in the kitchen with just an apron on and nothing else, then she took it off when she finished cooking and sat down to eat breakfast with me, and I sat and ate with nothing on my self. I asked mom if she really want to know what dad maybe doing behind her back or not, and when she told me she was really wanting to know, then I told her what I had in mind and that I had got everything that I know of, that I may need, and what my plan was to do and how I planed on getting everything in place, she volunteered to help get me into his office, before he got there in case some one needed distracted long enough for me to get in and get out. As soon as the house work was done and our afternoon dinner was over with, I went up to my room and started programing everything into my computer that I had to program in, and then checking everything out to see if it worked or not, then I went in to the spare room that was in the house where dad usually spent most of his time in, when he was home, what little he was home, and set cams around out of sight but where I could watch from my room, to see and hear everything he did in there, then put everything in a small bag and set it aside where I could grab it when I left for work in the morning, so that I could make a detour on the way to go to the place that dad is suposed to be working at. Monday morning mom and I ate in the nude again, then I went and got ready for work and mom got dressed to follow me to ...
    ... dad's work place, then we went in and mom had to distract one woman for me to slip past, for me to get to dad's office, and I was able to open the door step in and close the door without being seen, which then I went to work placing cams around out of sight, but where again I could sit and watch from my bedroom at home, and see what all he did and hear everything that was said, from the time he got there till he left the office. Looking out the door of dad's office, I didn't see anyone around, and when I got to where I left mom, she was there but not the woman she had to distract, for me to get past her, which then mom and I left, without any other conflict with anyone else. When I got home from work that afternoon, I found mom relaxing wih a book, like I did off and on when she wasn't doing something else, but this time, she was in the nude instead of dressed, like she usually would be, &#034My, what a beautiful sexy site to see. You are a site for sore eyes, for sure sexy.&#034 stepping over toward her. &#034Why thank you dear, I'm glad that I can please at least one man in this house hold.&#034 swinging her legs and feet around to the floor from the coutch, for me to sit down next to her. Sitting down next to my sexy hot mother, &#034Put your legs and feet back up here so that I can massage them, while you tell me what that woman might have told you, as far as when dad maybe back from his trip.&#034 &#034All she would tell me,&#034 as she put her feet on my lap, &#034was ...