1. A Mother and Son's Love Turns A Corner #5

    Date: 12/16/2015, Categories: First Time Taboo Voyeur, Author: HankWilliams1956, Source: xHamster

    ... that he usually didn't get back till late afternoon, and most times, he didn't get to the office till the next day.&#034 &#034What about his secretary? Did she go with him or not?&#034 &#034As usual, when I try to find things out like that, she wouldn't say anything and went off into an office as I started walking away and I stopped, as soon as I heared her close the office door and waited till you came back out of your dad's office, which was like two minutes later.&#034 &#034I would say he is screwing someone else, and it sounds to me like, it is his secretary that he is having sex with.&#034 &#034Yes, I really think he is, but, how can I prove it, unless I can get pictures to prove it?&#034 &#034When I was in dad's so called home office or man cave, as he calls it, yesterday, I took a quick look at his computer in there and found four folders that I could not get open, due to a secret code that had to be entered, to open it.&#034 &#034Do you think you can figure out the code, to get into the folders?&#034 &#034I could try a few, but why try, when I placed a cam where I can see which folder he goes to and what code he puts in for each folder, if they are different codes for each folder, as well as see just what he does in there, and even says in there, just like we can at his office.&#034 &#034How about we go see if any one has been in his office yet, and see if by chance, he has even showed up, unlike his co-worker says he does.&#034 &#034Let's go.&#034 mom put her feet ...
    ... on the floor then we stood up and went to my room, where I brought up the program that let us see everything from the time I instaled the cams, to date and time, as it is this moment. Mother and I saw the first cam that I turned on and placed it, then it even showed me placing the next cam and the third cam, and then leaving the room, and each cam showed what I had done from the time I turned it on till I left the room, and every inch of office space was seen on the screen, which is what I wanted, then it went dark after I left the room, meaning the cams shut down till some one did come into the room and laid a folder in dad's in box, on his desk, then left. I then tested the other thing that I wanted to test, to make sure it worked right, which it did, and that was to delet what we all ready saw, and then go on from there. What we saw off and on through out the morning, was one of dad's co-workers going into his office and placing papers or folders, in his inbox that sat on his desk. Each time a co-worker came in and then left, the cams would come on then shut off shortly after they left the room, but as soon as the door would start to open, the cams came on. I deleted everything we saw up to date and time, till we were watching what was happening at that very moment, which was nothing, since no one was in the room at that time. &#034I'll leave it on for now, while we watch to see if anyone else, or if dad happens to step in, while I get comfertable like you are.&#034 &#034Do ...