Lauras Punishment III
Date: 11/17/2015,
Dark Fantasy
Female / Girl,
Group Sex
Older Male / Female,
Author: Me4Lgs
... said, and wiggled and squeezed tight, trying to keep his finger out. One man was pulling my bottom open while another put some cold, wet stuff on it and started pushing his finger in my bottom. I kept wiggling and squeezing my bottom shut as tight as I could, but he kept pushing in. "That's right, wiggle if it feels good." When he said that I stopped wiggling and held still. His finger pushed in farther. "God, she's tight." Said a man's voice. I was trying to squeeze again when he pulled his finger out and got more of the gooey stuff. I kept holding still, hoping they would see that I didn't want them to do this. The woman's voice said, "That's it. Hold still if you want the finger to go in all the way. Good girl." At the same time a man's voice said, "Wiggle when you're ready." I didn't know what to do, so I tried to hold still as the finger pushed in even farther. No matter how hard I squeezed the finger slid in. I wiggled and they cheered and patted my bottom. "Almost ready for the plug. Then you'll get the spankings and the vibrator at the same time." "Hold still, Laura. Let me do it." Said the woman's voice. I held still while she pushed her smaller finger in my bottom. She put more slippery stuff in me with each finger push. "There, Laura. Getting nice and slippery. It doesn't hurt, does it?" "Uungh uungh." I tried to say something. They laughed. The woman patted my bottom. Then she kissed my right cheek while her finger was all the way in me. "Try to relax your ...
... bottom, Laura. Almost ready now. That's a good girl." They all took turns again. Fingers in my bottom or in my cunny. Hands on my chest and pats on my bottom. I felt hot all over. Tingly. So tingly. "Here's the plug, Laura. You're ready now. See men? Gentle touch works best." She pushed the plastic thing in my bottom. It felt OK but got bigger and then it popped in, making me feel so full inside. Someone spanked my bottom, but not hard. Another man was still feeling my titties. I heard the vibrator start again and it traced up my thigh. The woman put a finger in my pussy again. Her finger felt bigger this time, maybe because of the plug in my bottom. When the vibrator touched my button the tingles started to shoot through me. "Hold still everybody. She's cumming big time. Just hold still." They took the plug out, and all let go. It was quiet in the room. The men left the room except for Dr. Nivens who told me I was so embarrassed that it would count for two spanking session. The woman kissed me and asked if I would leave the blindfold on while she held me. I nodded my head. She wiped off my bottom and pussy with a warm washcloth and they unfastened me and took the gag out. She sat in the big chair and held me on her lap while Dr. Nivens unfastened my wrist and ankle straps. She hugged me and kissed me, saying what a fantastic job I did. She told me how pretty and brave I was. I cried for a minute on her shoulder, feeling the embarrassment and the pleasure. She held me. "There, ...