1. Lauras Punishment III

    Date: 11/17/2015, Categories: Dark Fantasy Female / Girl, Group Sex Older Male / Female, Spanking, Young Author: Me4Lgs

    ... were all saying how wet and ready I looked. Someone turned on the vibrator and glanced up my thigh directly to my button and held it there while he counted to five. The woman's voice said, "I've noticed her several times around town, Paul, since you showed me her first video. I would have never suspected her little pussy would get so wet! That she would love getting spankings so much!" Dr. Niven's said, "Laura, these are a few trusted friends. You aren't allowed to see them, but they all know you and loved watching you get the quivers on the videos. They know who you are and see you around town in the grocery store, the soccer field, and..." One of the male voices said, "You're pretty good on the soccer field, Laura. And now I can see that you are starting to grow up." He squeezed one of my breasts. Not hard, just like a friendly squeeze. "Let me help you take the bra off. You're in such good shape that you don't really need a bra, and I'm sure we'll all want to touch your youthful breasts. So pretty. I'll watch closely to see if they bounce while you dribble down the field. You move the ball pretty well." He unsnapped my bra and let it hang on my neck. The others talked about me some more, mostly about how wet I was, and that I was such a hot, little girl, and so on. The woman said, "My finger is not too much bigger than her finger. I wonder if it will slide in as easily as her own finger did on her videos." She pushed a long finger into me. I was holding still as she ...
    ... pushed all the way in and pulled it out, then pushed in again. "Laura, I want you to wiggle your hips to tell me that this does not hurt." Dr. Nivens said, "Laura, I know this embarrasses you. These friends are helping me with your punishment. Nobody will hurt you. They are trying to help me embarrass you, that's all. Now wiggle your hips to show it doesn't hurt you." It was quiet in the room. Everyone was still. The lady was pushing her finger in and out. I wasn't sure what to do, but it felt good. Dr. Nivens repeated, "If it doesn't hurt you, wiggle your hips." I wiggled my hips. They all clapped. The man started feeling my chest again, and the woman fingered me faster. Another man said, "Laura, we're here to help you with the embarrassment punishment. And the most embarrassing thing of all, which will really teach you a lesson, is to get your quivers in front of all of us. You don't know us, but we know you. This will be embarrassing but you will certainly learn a lesson." I kept wiggling my hips as they took turns fingering me or feeling me all over. Then one of the men said, "I think she's ready for the plug and her spankings." The others agreed. I didn't know what they were talking about. I heard the vibrator start near my head. "Listen, Laura." Said Dr. Nivens. "This is the vibrator and we'll touch it on your button in just a moment, but we need to put the plug in your bottom first. Just relax your bottom while one of my assistants lubricates it." "Uungh uungh ungh unnn." I ...