Lauras Punishment III
Date: 11/17/2015, Categories: Dark Fantasy Female / Girl, Group Sex Older Male / Female, Spanking, Young Author: Me4Lgs
Part III At last it was Saturday morning. I was touching myself last night in the bathtub just wondering what those things were that I saw in the box. I even got the quivers in the bathtub. That never happened before. I was touching myself and wondering what kind of panties and things I would get to wear, and what my punishments would be today. I kept thinking about Dr. Nevins as I rode over to his house. I've known him since I was a little kid and my mother used to clean his house. I would go along with her and he was always nice to me, like giving me lemonade or playing cards with me. He even kept paying Mom after her knee surgery when she couldn't work for him anymore. I was glad to ride over to water his plants and do some dusting a few times a week. It's good money for me. Of course the last few times I went over to his house I didn't do any dusting. Today will be my fifth spanking session with him. I don't know how many more spanking sessions I'll need, but I think it's a bunch. It was an expensive clock. His car was in the driveway again, but he didn't come out to meet me. I went on in, like I used to before I broke the clock, and saw a note on the kitchen table: "Laura, you know you have been a naughty girl. Go on in the living room and undress completely. Do your stretching exercises that I watched you do before one of your soccer games. Then put on the new shoes and socks that are sitting on the couch and practice walking around in front of the camera. I'll give ...
... you a new pair of panties when I come upstairs, but go ahead and practice walking in the high heels. I turned the camera on when I saw you ride up the driveway. I'm downstairs in my computer room and will come back upstairs after you've practiced walking around. Hurry up, because the camera is already turned on. And you know what kinds of things to say to the camera. I'll come back upstairs shortly." - Dr. Nivens I took the note with me and walked quickly into the living room and saw a bigger video camera set up on his tripod. A wire came out of the back of the camera and went along the floor into the heating grate. An electric wire went over to an outlet in the wall. I stood in front of the camera and said, "I'm Laura and I've been a naughty girl. Like really bad. I'm going to get spankings today. I deserve to get lots of spankings." I sat in the middle of the couch while I was talking. I sat where the camera was pointing and took off my shoes and socks. I stood up and unsnapped my shorts looking at the camera, "I have to take off my shorts and panties because I've been a bad girl." For some reason, I wondered if Dr. Nivens was watching me on a monitor somewhere to make sure I was following his instructions. I wanted to show him I could do whatever he said. It seemed funny to keep talking to the camera, but I did it, even though I could feel myself blushing as I took off my shirt and then my training bra. I pulled down my panties slowly, and noticed they were already damp ...