1. Stepmother Goddess III - Pent up

    Date: 11/17/2015, Categories: Fiction Asian, Hardcore Incest Male / Older Female, Masturbation Teen Male / Female Author: DaSpark, Source: sexstories.com

    ... didn't know if I should dare let myself think I was going to get another helping of Olivia. She lightly stroked my chest with one hand while she squeezed water out of the hand loofah on me with the other. "Your muscles are so tight and tense sweetie. I am so sorry I haven't taken care of you." Olivia whispered into my ear followed by a hot breath. God please don't let it be only a tease! Olivia bent her left leg, bringing the heel to the base of my cock, only after pushing my sack up against it. She slowly but expertly rubbed it up and down, while her other leg slid up and down my leg. I was in heaven, just to have my manhood caressed by her was a dream come true every time. God. . . . I think I really am in love with her. I opened my eyes and turned my head to the side and leaned over to put part of Olivia's left breast in my mouth. The awkward angle did not lend itself to a full mouth of her incredible globe, but any taste of her nipple was glorious, and the water from the tub made it all the more sensual. She began to increase the pressure on the base of my groin and then her other foot joined the party, rubbing up and down the bottom side of my cock. I began to moan as my far too neglected cock began to tingle and I knew I was going to pop soon. I stopped sucking and stared down, watching her talented and beautiful feet now doing alternate rubs up my cock from the base to the tip on the underside, faster and faster. "Oh shit Olivia . . .Oliviaaaa! Rrrrrfff!" My hands ...
    ... grabbed Olivia's corresponding thigh and squeezed as my hips bucked, sloshing water as I came. The first shot of cum was voluminous and due to her feet pushing my cock to my stomach caused the cum to land above my left nipple up to my shoulder. "Oooooohhhhhrrrr!" I roared as my hips bucked again, this glob landing to my left and leaving a gooey mess on Olivia's left breast and some fell in the water. "Oh goodness sweetie! Oh!" Olivia gasped as the third shot was a crazy rocket of cum that shot past my ear and landed on her chin and glazed down to her neck. "Oh my goodness. Oh you really were walking around with a loaded gun! Thank the Lord we got that cleaned out." She said as she was still slowly rubbing my emptied cock. I was too bewildered to respond, panting heavily, my head resting on her right mound. I felt her wipe my chest and shoulder clean. She then cleaned herself. Then she held me as I slowly came down from the orgasm she had given me. I don't know for sure how long passed before I came around but the water was becoming tepid. "Sit up for me sweetie." Olivia whispered in my ear, following with a light nibble on my earlobe and a kiss on the curve of my jaw. I sat up, still dazed, and felt Olivia get out of the tub. I looked over to watch her perfect voluptuous form dry quickly and slip on her silk kimono. The flickering light from the many candles danced along the skin of her legs and her robe as she tied up her hair with a pair of porcelain chopsticks. She turned to ...