1. Stepmother Goddess III - Pent up

    Date: 11/17/2015, Categories: Fiction Asian, Hardcore Incest Male / Older Female, Masturbation Teen Male / Female Author: DaSpark, Source: sexstories.com

    ... me, smiled and held out a fresh towel. "Come on our darling, I don't want you catching cold." I obeyed her commands and stood up and got out of the tub. She diligently dried me from top to bottom, taking special care with my still sensitive penis and once my front was dry, she turned me around and dried my back. Once done she leaned into the tub to drain the water, and I couldn't help but gaze in wonder at that insane ass of hers. How could a woman in her 40's have a tight, taut, perky bubble butt like that? The answer was partially how hard she exercised. Her legs were iron when I gripped them in the tub. She spent hours upon hours making sure her body fought age and stayed as tantalizing as her angelic face. I could hear the water draining as she lead me out of the bathroom back into the bedroom and laid me down on her four post bed, the canopy billowing from the air of the ceiling fan. I was still exhausted and began to sink into sleep when I felt a kiss on my chest. Then another. A bite on my nipple, and nails lightly dancing along my stomach. I opened my eyes and Olivia came up to me, and engaged me in a long deep kiss, our tongue dancing with each other in a battle for supremacy. She reached across me and opened the bedside drawer, pulling out a pipe and lighter and sparked it up. She then passed the cherried bowl to me and I took a hit. She told me it wasn't just pot but a hint of opium, just enough she said. I had never had opium and it was the smoothest high I ...
    ... could remember. She told me it came from her home country and that it would give me staying power. I wasn't sure what that meant but I love the high that overcame me. Soon I felt her hot breath on my groin, then a kiss, then another on my penis, causing blood to begin to flow in again. She began to lick my cock all around, causing it to jump occasionally from the flood of blood swelling my unit. Within a minute she had taken me in her mouth. I wanted to watch those lips wrapped around my dick, her eyes looking at me in the dark room but I was so high and the feeling from her lips so electric that I couldn't bear to change a thing. I suddenly understood what she had been referring to. The pleasure from her talented mouth didn't stay in my groin but consistently waved outward to the rest of my body allowing me to keep my manhood from getting over excited. While the high could effect my time perspective, I swear it was a good 20 minutes of a blow job before I finally felt Olivia pull off. It was crazy, I could swear I could still feel her lips on my penis even when I felt her lips kiss mine. I opened my eyes as she pulled back and smiled at me. "How do you feel honey?" She asked batting her lashes. "Fucking amazing" I told her, feeling so intense feelings for her I wished there was an act above sexual intercourse to show her how deep my desire for her lay. "Sorry it's been so long sweetie, but I didn't want you to get too used to it. But you have been so on edge lately, I knew you ...