1. Stepmother Goddess III - Pent up

    Date: 11/17/2015, Categories: Fiction Asian, Hardcore Incest Male / Older Female, Masturbation Teen Male / Female Author: DaSpark, Source: sexstories.com

    ... steps. I almost slammed her up against the wall and had my way with her. But somehow steeled my resolve. She led me into the master bedroom and as she continued to the bathroom I saw the tub filled with bubbles. "I was making a bath for myself since your father called and said he wouldn't be home until very late, but I can see you need to be cleaned, thoroughly. I am going to show you a full Hmong cleaning ritual. Now get in." She instructed. "Um, do you want to turn around for a second?" I asked, suddenly feeling exposed. "Sweetie, I am vaguely sure there is nothing I haven't seen before, especially pertaining to you." she said with a smile. I slowly pulled my work shirt off, and suddenly Olivia was right next to me undoing my button and zipper on my pants. She yanked them down along with my boxers and didn't seem to notice my nearly erect penis. She knelt to remove my socks and then said, "Alright, in you go." I obeyed, feeling a bit awkward. Not for the first time I felt beguiled and confused by Olivia. At times she was cold, at time she was kind and loving, at times she was a damn lover. It was so frustrating, but even just getting washed by her, to be seen by her was enough to satisfy the monkey on my back due to my undying lust for her. "Now you sit back and soak for a few minutes to soften." Olivia said with a smile. She turned down the lights, making the candles around the bathroom glow brightly and she turned on some soothing Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival music. ...
    ... She walked out. I laid back and closed my eyes. I didn't even hear her come back inside and was startled when I felt a very soft wash cloth wiping my face. I started to sit up with a start. "There, there, just relax, Olivia will take care of everything." She cleaned my face copiously, then she cleaned my chest, my legs and then my groin. I hardened instantly at her touch but she said nothing and made no sexual touches to me, just a through scrub with a soft but friction inducing loofah. "Alright, front is done, sit up a bit for me sweetie so I can clean your back" She purred to me softly. I sat up, opening my eyes for the first time and noticed Olivia was now wearing a silk robe with a very Asian design on it. It was also very short, just going to her upper thigh. God she has great thighs! "Lean forward, head on your knees." I did as I was told and felt her begin to scrub my upper back. After about 30 seconds she said, "Hmm, can't reach it all." I felt her foot enter the water behind me, and her toes brushed the top of my ass. Then her other foot and then her legs pushed past my sides and she sank full into the tub behind me. I could fell the tickle of her pubic hair on my back as she slid down. Once she was in, she put a hand on my shoulder blade and pulled me back, until my head was resting on her breasts. Feeling her naked body behind me alone was enough to make my heart start pounding and my mouth went dry. The time since I last was with her had become unbearable, and I ...