The Third Date 01: Clueless of Cotham
Date: 7/29/2024,
Lesbian Sex,
Author: byTHBGato
... hours together yesterday and she'd made no overt move, though perhaps the song was a move.Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen. I mean, wow. Cheesy maybe, but it had thrilled me. I'd been on the point of asking if she was attracted to me when her housemate came in. After that, it seemed too awkward, even when her housemates had clearly conspired to give us some time alone. I mean, it was so obvious what Melissa was up to, yet Priya didn't seem to realise. I'd been blushing and eyeing her up all evening, touching her whenever I could, but she'd seemed completely oblivious.
I really didn't want to fall for a straight girl or somebody so deep in the closet that they were in denial. Been there, still had the emotional scars. And I could so easily fall for Priya; she was captivating and talented, clearly deeply loyal to her friends, obviously bright, and, yes, extremely easy on the eye! A few inches shorter than me, she had gorgeous curves, warm, golden skin, deep brown eyes and incredibly kissable lips. I'd spent much of Friday night after work fantasising about running my hands through her long, silky hair and snaking kisses down the insides of her slender, taut arms. Since last night, I was desperately trying to row back on those fantasies but I was fearing it was too late. I was in dire straits. Or should that be straights?
"Hey Kate!"
Priya, Jenny and Tom were all waiting outside their house as I turned the corner. Priya bounced up to me and slipped her arm ...
... into mine. "I hope you don't mind walking," she smiled up at me, as we turned back to Cotham Hill.
"No, not at all."
Jenny and Tom fell in behind us as we headed down Whiteladies towards the Triangle.
"Melissa, Nadine and the band are meeting us at the tapas place."
We chatted as we went, her arm still through mine. Was this flirting, or just friendly? Sometimes I envied men (not very often, mind you) - swap our genders and there would be no doubting the intent behind such a gesture. But with us girls, it was so ambiguous. I looked down at her, taking in the touches of golden highlights she'd added to her eyes, making them pop out and seem even larger.
"That's a great coat; where did you get it?" I asked, admiring the way it flared over her hips, gripped her waist and accentuated her breasts.
"Charity shop - one of the great things about Cotham Hill, right?"
"Yeah. But it looks brilliant on you, almost as if it was tailored to you."
"Thanks! I feel like I wish I was a little taller though with the length. If only I had legs like yours - they're amazing. You look great in those jeans."
Well, sounds like it had been worth spending 20 minutes trying out different legwear earlier.
"Hey!" called Jenny from behind us, "Melissa just texted. Are we ok with veggie sharing platters and sangria? She wants to order. I think Nade must be getting stressed that she won't be back on time."
We both agreed and 10 minutes later, we were at the restaurant, and a ...