1. The Third Date 01: Clueless of Cotham

    Date: 7/29/2024, Categories: Lesbian Sex, Author: byTHBGato

    Dearest potential readers
    This is a long, slow story, focussed on flirtation and friendship. This part is all about character development. Sexy moments come at the end of Part 2, so if you're after a short, hot sex scene perhaps look elsewhere. I won't mind, honestly. However, if you like the slow-burn and the build up of feelings and tension, this may be for you.
    A massive thank you to KES and the incredible Broken Spokes for their feedback and guidance. Both have made this a better story than it was. All remaining errors or flaws are entirely my fault. I hadn't meant for it to be in two parts, but the file was too large for me to upload it in one go. Part 2 is written and ready to go.
    If you do make it to the end, any feedback would be gratefully received.
    All characters are over 18 and bear no resemblance to real people (with the exception of the band This Is The Kit, who you should all listen to).
    Happy reading.
    The third date
    He was late. At least he'd texted to apologise. Sudden deadline apparently. Still, this was not a good look for a first date. I mean, it didn't bode well for any future relationship (though this was obviously getting ahead of myself) if I was going to always come second to work. Not my idea of an equal and balanced relationship!
    Ha! As if I even knew what that looked like.
    Serves me right for losing the bet. The worst thing was if this didn't work out I'd have to go through two more. Jenny had got fed up ...
    ... with Nadine and Melissa moaning about their single status and somehow got us all to agree that the loser of the game of Rummikub we were playing would have to let the other three set them up on a date (it was a given that she, close to celebrating a year with Tom, would not be the loser). And somehow, despite me being the least vocal, I had ended up losing. So here I was.
    I wish I'd brought a book. My mobile battery was getting low and I didn't want to run it down reading the paper. It was 20 minutes after our set time now, and I was one glass of wine down and starting to get hungry. I was also starting to feel rather exposed: I'd chosen a rather central table, thinking it would make it easier for him to spot me, but now it meant my solo status was on full display in juxtaposition to all the cosy couples and relaxed groups around me.
    "Excuse me," I asked the tall waitress with the eyebrow piercing who had served me before.
    "Can I get you another?" she asked.
    "No... I mean yes, thanks, but actually.... my date is running late and I'm feeling a bit awkward sitting here..."
    "Of course! Got you. Give me one sec."
    Two strides of her long legs and she was behind the bar. She flipped up a glass, grabbed a bottle out of the ice bucket and poured dexterously with her left hand while her right flew over the touch-screen till. I was slightly agape. I hadn't finished: had she really understood me that quickly?
    "Right, I've switched you to one of our booths by the back. ...