1. Back in Uniform Pt. 05

    Date: 7/26/2024, Categories: Transgender & Crossdressers, Author: bybrendachaplin2000, Source: Literotica

    ... "Can I get you a drink?"
    "Thank you, Sir, I'll have a gin and tonic." Libby replied.
    Rivers directed a WPC to make Libby's drink before introducing her to CPM Rowley, "Sir, this is Inspector Elizabeth Adams, our new head of training class B. She has been a real breath of fresh air and graduating officers are up 27% after only her first term in command."
    Rowley extended his hand to Libby, Libby took his hand and shook it, Rowley said, "A pleasure indeed Inspector, I have been following your case closely. I must say you have transitioned well to your new role."
    Libby understood the double meaning of his statement, and appreciated that he had asked about her male-to-female transition disguised as an inquiry about her career transition, "Thank you, Sir, it was a struggle to come to terms with at the beginning, but now I am more than happy in my new role."
    "I understand you are heading off for some medical leave shortly?" Rowley asked.
    "Yes, I have a minor procedure due, but I will be back in time for the next intake of recruits," Libby confirmed.
    Libby stayed for a further 10 minutes making small talk before she took her leave.
    When she got back to her office, her staff had already assembled.
    She checked her watch, it was 3.25 pm, so she announced, "OK Gang, great job today, why not knock off early and get ready for the party."
    After she dismissed them, and then went into her own office, shutting the door. She placed her hat on the desk and sat ...
    ... down. She suddenly felt exhausted, the 4 months of hard work turning the department around had taken its toll on her. Her shoulders sagged, and she buried her face into her hands.
    She nodded off and was unaware of Karen entering the room.
    She gently shook Libby's shoulder, and gently said, "Ma'am, wake up."
    Libby woke up to see Karen standing over her.
    She rubbed her eyes, and said, "How long was I out for?"
    Karen replied, "About 20 minutes, why not knock off early yourself. I was just coming in to say goodbye too."
    Libby smiled at her, "Sure, I'll see you later at the party."
    Karen smiled and left the room. Libby stretched, put some files into her briefcase, and put her bowler hat on. She took one last look at her office before turning the light out.
    Libby was grateful that she had an apartment on campus, and her commute was a brief 5-minute walk. She smiled and acknowledged the other officers as she strolled in the warm summer afternoon.
    Once inside her flat, she hung her hat on a coat peg and put the case down on her home desk. She unbuttoned her tunic and tugged the cravat free of her collar, before unfastening the top 3 buttons of her blouse. She hung the tunic up in her wardrobe and kicked off her shoes. She reached behind her head, and freed the clip holding her hair in a tight regulation bun, and her hair fell down her back like a waterfall.
    She made herself a cup of coffee and just sat down on her couch when the doorbell rang. Libby gave out ...