1. Back in Uniform Pt. 05

    Date: 7/26/2024, Categories: Transgender & Crossdressers, Author: bybrendachaplin2000, Source: Literotica

    ... started, she had earned the respect of her officers, and the 78% pass rate for this class showed she knew what she was on about.
    "At ease everyone." Libby said with a polite smile, and when the squad had settled back into their seats, Libby addressed the room, "Just before the chaos of the passing out ceremony takes hold, I just want to say thank you all for stepping up this term, and not resisting my changes. Well, all but former PC (Police constable) Chambers!"
    The room laughed, PC Chambers was a member of her staff and was the first to push back against her reforms. True to her word, Chambers was sacked from the force. Libby suspected that Chambers's fall from grace was the catalyst that brought the others in line.
    "I've left £100 behind the bar for tonight's party, enjoy, but remember to uphold the principles of the Police service and set an example for the newly graduated officers," Libby announced, to another cheer from the room. "See you later on the parade ground."
    Libby returned to her office to attend to some final paperwork.
    There was a knock on her door, she called out, "Come in."
    The door opened, and in walked newly promoted Inspector Robert Taylor, he smiled and said "Morning Libby."
    Libby's face lit up seeing her handsome boyfriend enter the room, "Hi honey."
    Rob rounded her desk and kissed her on the lips.
    Libby reached up and traced the new pips on his shoulder, "Guess I don't outrank you anymore."
    This was Rob's last official ...
    ... duty at Hendon before taking over his own squad of detectives as their new DI (Detective Inspector).
    That afternoon Libby, Rob, and Karen took their place on the main stage with the other senior officers, the bleachers on either side started to fill up with friends and family members of the graduating class.
    The Metropolitan Police band started to play, and the collective crowd came to order. From across the parade ground the new officers led by their instructors marched into view. Libby felt a swell of pride as her recruits marched in unison toward her.
    The ceremony ran its course, and speeches were given, including Libby congratulating her staff and recruits. The band played God Save the King, and the recruits were fallen out. To cheers and applause of the crowds.
    The bleachers emptied onto the parade grounds as loved ones reunited with one another. The senior officers took their leave, and Libby, Karen, and Rob stood there for a moment admiring the collective efforts.
    Libby was tapped on the shoulder, she turned to see a middle-aged PC addressing her, "Ma'am, Chief Superintendent (CS) Rivers has requested your company in his office."
    "OK, Constable, I'll be there shortly." Libby replied before turning to Karen and Rob, "No rest for the wicked."
    Libby entered CS Rivers's office and was surprised to see Sir Mark Rowley, the Met's CPM (Police Commissioner) there with him.
    "Ah, Inspector Adams, please come in." Rivers said upon noticing Libby's arrival, ...