1. Back in Uniform Pt. 05

    Date: 7/26/2024, Categories: Transgender & Crossdressers, Author: bybrendachaplin2000, Source: Literotica

    It had been 4 months since Libby took over as an inspector at Hendon police training college, and today her first class was due to graduate and have their passing-out parade. It had been nearly 8 months since the bullet to her head had dramatically changed her life.
    She stood alone in her bedroom, facing her full-length mirror. Musing at how familiar her face was to her now, that she could hardly remember how she looked before. She buttoned her collar, and clipped on the checked cravat, smoothing it down.
    The 7 months of hormone therapy were also starting to show. Her facial features had softened, and she did not have to shave anymore. She had gained more breast mass, whilst her overall muscle mass had reduced. Also, her waist had shrunk, and her hips widened so much that Libby had to get some new skirts to accommodate her new hourglass figure.
    Libby checked the time on her wristwatch, a present from her boyfriend Rob. It was 7.30 am, and she had 30 minutes till she was due in her office on the other side of the campus. She sat at her desk and reviewed the release forms for her upcoming surgery to complete her transition from male to female. The now useless scar tissue that was her penis will be removed, and she will be given a fully working vagina.
    Today she would proudly salute her class as they embark on their police careers before she takes her leave to complete her transition.
    WPS (Woman Police Sergent) Karen Johnson, was already in the office when Libby ...
    ... arrived.
    "Morning Ma'am." Karen greeted her, also wearing her dress uniform consisting of a tunic and skirt.
    Libby smiled at her friend, "Morning Sergent, big day today."
    "Yes Ma'am, you have really have turned this place around," Karen replied.
    Libby smiled and playfully punched Karen in the arm, "Knock off that shit that it was all me, you helped just as much."
    "Well, I did not want to take all the credit and admit I have been carrying you for the last four months." Karen jibbed back.
    The girls laughed as they headed into the kitchen area to grab a cup of coffee.
    Back in Libby's office, they both sat down, Karen asked, "So, all set for your operation?"
    "Yeah." Libby replied, "But I thought I'd be more nervous going under the knife, but I'm actually excited to get it over with."
    There was a knock on the door, Libby shouted, "COME IN!"
    WPC (Woman Police Constable) Charlotte Thorne opened the door, "Squad is assembled and waiting Ma'am."
    "Thank you, Charlotte, we will be out in a minute." Libby responded, and Thorn nodded her head and closed the door.
    "I think that girl has taken a shining to you Ma'am." Karren commented.
    Libby shrugged her shoulders and said, "She is a pretty little thing, but it is not the way I swing these days."
    Libby and Karen finished their drinks and headed out into the main office. Though strictly not required, the rank and file of police officers stood as Libby entered the room. Though they hated her when she ...