1. White Slave Tales – Angelique

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Diary , Humiliation Non-consensual sex Slavery, Author: spacybickerson, Source: sexstories.com

    ... good explanation to give to Roger on how his girls, especially his favorite Angelique, had been taken away by Barbados authorities to be locked up, brutalized and raped in some stinking hell hole for the rest of their lives.
    "Entering the sovereignty of Barbados without proper papers or permission is punishable by imprisonment and a fine," the officer said by rote.
    "Can we do anything here and now to resolve this little situation?" the captain asked. Besides the officer on the yacht, the captain noticed only one other person on the coast guard cutter.
    "All those without proper papers will be arrested and one thousand dollar fine payable now and the rest of you will not be arrested as accomplices," the officer said as he studied the three women in their sheets.
    Louis had promised that he wouldn't put the girls in danger. "I am sure our wives do not want to go to prison. They will love to give you a good time. You can use our comfortable cabins," Louis said.
    "In that case I will take them to our boat for processing and fifteen hundred dollars in my hands now," the officer said the bulge in his pants now clearly visible.
    "Look having these three women is payment enough, but I will give you five hundred dollars," Louis said. The three women in their white sheets looked heavenly to the officer.
    "You are lucky I am a good man. Seven fifty is my final offer," the officer replied.
    "Done," Louis said. There were no handshakes just the three women removed of ...
    ... their sheets. Although they had been naked all this time, now all three tried to cover their breasts and their genitals somehow as imaginary wives they felt some modesty should be in place.
    Pangs of desire ran through Louis, Barry and even the captain as they saw their women being taken away onto the decrepit cutter that did not have the white flag with the Red Cross including the Barbados flag in the upper left canton hoisted.
    The other officer probably of lower rank clearly enthused by the events was roughly squeezing Monique's milky white breasts with his big hard hands. The contrast of black on white in clear view of the captain and the men on the yacht was giving their penises a blood rush.
    While Dominique and Monique were being groped by the lowly officer, Angelique was taken down by Kingston into the dark underneath of the cutter. Empty tin containers, gunny sack bags and trash with an indescribable odor were strewn all over the place and Dominique tried not to step on anything with her tender naked feet.
    "Damn light bulb!" Kingston cursed as he fiddled with the dusty and squeaky bulb. After considerable nudging, a weak light illuminated the claustrophobic cabin that had definitely seen better days. "Bett! Bring the other two," Kingston shouted. The heat and the stench were starting to make Angelique feel queasy.
    Dominique and Monique no longer tried to cover their young well proportion breast as they led to the cabin. They were holding their noses. "God ...