1. White Slave Tales – Angelique

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Diary , Humiliation Non-consensual sex Slavery, Author: spacybickerson, Source: sexstories.com

    White Slave Tales – Angelique
    Angelique has been given up by her husband in payment for a debt.
    "Rahul...Rahul...Rahul...Rahul," Angelique kept repeating to herself. Angelique was not her real name. It was the name given to her for the time being. It may be changed anytime. Finding the forward stateroom empty. She locked the entrance to the deck from the starboard side for additional privacy. She treasured any moment alone. It helped get her mind straight and to not forget her identity.
    She preferred the cool darkness of the cabins underneath the deck. She avoided the luxurious and spacious master stateroom where the others were slumbering off the effects of another activity filled late night. Her usually light olive skin tone had turned into an exotic bronze on just a week's exposure to the bright Caribbean sun. There were no tan lines either on her slender twenty-six year old body, the result of not having any clothing to cover herself with.
    Luckily today she was able to wear a white thong bikini. She had been totally naked for six days in a row. The bikini barely covered her nipples and her shaved pubic area but it was better than nothing. She could remember once when she vacationed with her husband in Maui. Although her body was made to be adorned in a two piece, it had taken her a lot of prodding to wear a one piece to the beach and even then she had covered herself most of the time with an unflattering oversized t-shirt. Being raised in a conservative ...
    ... family in India, she had been taught not to expose any part of her body in public. She would consider Europeans and Americans as whores willing to expose their bodies in revealing or no clothes at all.
    "Yesterday was day 152, today is day 153, tomorrow will be day 154," Angelique repeated to herself. She did this throughout the day. She waited for day 365, when she believed she would be reunited with her husband and her now one and a half year old son, Rahul.
    Under different circumstances, she would enjoy a vacation on such a magnificent yacht. Even in the smaller forward stateroom she would have marveled at the cool teak wood floors, rich cabinetry and the slew of electronic gadgets tastily dispersed among the opulent decor. She knew that she was part of the decor too; her naked flesh a visual treat and an integral part of the owner's enjoyment.
    Angelique laughed out loud. Her husband, Ramesh, was an innocent lamb in a sea of wolves. Roger Simmons was slick. Ramesh made himself so desperate that he was grateful to Roger for giving him a way out. "Just let me have your wife, Neetu, for one full year and your shipment will be accepted of course with the allowance," Roger had told Ramesh.
    An allowance taken of $300,000 on a million dollar purchase was a coup for Roger. He would have accepted the merchandise consisting of a wide assortment of leather goods including jackets, vests, skirts and pants for his national chain of three hundred fifty stores even if it was a week ...