1. White Slave Tales – Angelique

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Diary , Humiliation Non-consensual sex Slavery, Author: spacybickerson, Source: sexstories.com

    ... manhood?" She unbuckled his trousers and his shorts and pulled them down to his knees. The General's penis very quickly grew hard and strong as Sonia gently played with his testicles while maintaining eye contact with the powerful man. Eager to show her newly developed prowess, she masterfully twirled her tongue and mouth onto his cock, one hand gripping the base of his cock and the other gentle exploring his anus. She knew she was good as despite the General's valiant effort to hold off spurting his cum, Sonia soon felt the all too familiar jism tickling her throat.
    The night was intimate. Her body was his to take and to do however he wished. Her muscles and flesh all refreshed from the magic earlier in the day made her enjoy the sex with the General.
    "Today is day 153," Angelique repeated to herself. That trip to Brazil took place five months ago. She could no longer recall all the sex partners she has had since that time. Her genitals were sore. That only happened on rare occasions and yesterday was one of those occasions.
    "Coast guards ahead," the captain had announced. This started the unexpected events the day before.
    "Shit," was the only thing Louis said.
    "I'm getting the girls out of sight," Barry said to Louis. Monique, Dominique and Angelique, all without a stitch of clothing were taken down into the cabins and told to wait there.
    Off the coast of Barbados, dilapidated coast guard cutters roam the waters not to protect the integrity of their ...
    ... island nation but to profit from harassing vacationing yachts for as much as they can. The captain was not too concerned as most he expected was some money to satisfy the greedy and poor coast guards. No one became coast guards for what they were paid but for all the money available on the high seas. The big money came from the drug runners. Vacationers on yachts were good for pocket money.
    After the boats were tethered, Chief Petty Officer Kingston came on board. One noticed his teeth that seemed whiter than it was as it contrasted with his very dark skin. "How many passengers on this yacht?" he inquired to the captain with a strong island accent spoken mostly by lowlife hoodlums.
    "Five passengers and two crew members including myself," the captain replied.
    "Good, I want everyone on deck." The girls like Angelique were hired sluts or given as favors and Louis had locked up all their clothes. So they came back up covered in sheets from the beds to hide their modesty from this hoodlum in his worn-out uniform.
    "Oh my, what do we have here," the officer said his mind already conjuring up the possibilities.
    Thinking quick the captain said, "This is Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Allen and their friend Dominique. They were resting below."
    "Passports please," the officer demanded. He was all business now. He already figured the course of events.
    "Our wives don't have their passports with them as this was a surprise vacation for them," Louis replied. He was already thinking of a ...