1. My Night With A Goddess - My First Transsexual Experience

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Trans, Author: CassieX, Source: LushStories

    ... starts kissing me, placing her hands on my cheeks. Our lips and tongues mingle, sharing a myriad of flavors. Then without hesitation, her long tongue licks up and down my cheeks giddily.
    We stare at each other and smile.
    Her attention is suddenly caught by her wet and juicy penis, which is visibly throbbing from my view. It’s so red, it looks like it’s just pleading to explode.
    “I think it’s ready to go inside of you now,” she says to me.
    My eyes widen with excitement and my heart momentarily pauses. I sense a pulsating feeling, radiating upwards into my belly, filled with the anticipation of what's to come.
    Swallowing hard, I elicit a soft giggle from her. She gently takes hold of my slim shoulders and flips me onto my back. As I look upwards, I catch sight of her attractive figure coming into focus. She rests her body against mine, our chests touching each other, and her cock nestled firmly between our bellies. The warmth feels almost scorching. I yearn for it, for her to be inside of me. This longing is all-consuming.
    All my life I’ve never experienced a connection like this. This is what I’ve been searching for.
    I let my hands slide down from her back to finally release my skirt, tossing it aside. The process of removing my thong begins, yet Alicia decides to take over. Using her teeth, she grabs hold of the strap, pulling it past the shine on my thighs, then down past my flush knees, and off from my feet. My pre-come leaks out of my pussy, now that ...
    ... it’s free of my restraining thong.
    “Are you ready?” she says, intently staring into my eyes and I feel her rub the lips of my pussy with her erection.
    I nod, with wide eyes. “I’ve never been so ready.”
    Once again, she positions herself on top of me and plants a kiss. Her body's weight feels incredibly reassuring. She reaches down to her member, and that's when I sense it. The size of the tip is so substantial. She teases it around my clitoris, and then around my lips, soaking it in my essence. The sensation is simply delightful. She adjusts her cock downwards, cautiously penetrating my vagina.
    The initial tightness gradually gives way to the ease with which her slick penis glides in, stretching me out. It fits perfectly within me like a key to its corresponding lock. I feel it going deeper and deeper inside. It seems like it won't stop. But then she hits my g-spot and my body shivers in sheer ecstasy. I let out a loud moan; so loud that it would give my neighbors the impression that I was in danger.
    Alicia smirks, and then her smile fades, contorting into an intense expression of lust. She angles her body downward and begins thrusting in that same spot like a perfect machine. Pounding me, over and over, our hips slapping together. Each time she thrusts, it feels like a jolt of pleasurable lightning scorches through me. My hips spasm skyward and my back arcs. But she pounds harder, pinning me to the bed and restraining me from moving, which only makes everything ...