1. My Night With A Goddess - My First Transsexual Experience

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Trans, Author: CassieX, Source: LushStories

    ... dig into my back and she moans into my mouth as our tongues wrap themselves around each other. She follows it up with slow, deep thrusts, shooting the remaining load inside of me. Her body twitches with the last few drops.
    With a deep exhale, she collapses on me, leaving her drained cock deep inside my vagina. I finally have the strength to open my watery eyes and Alicia looks completely consumed, as though the weight of the world had just vanished from her shoulders. With her sweaty body on mine, we begin to slowly kiss. I spin her around and stare at her from above. My hand gently sweeps over her disheveled hair, tracing the outline of her face and cheekbones while she looks spectacularly beautiful. I experience a comforting warmth and fuzziness in my body as I surrender to the calming shelter of her arms.
    My eyes just want to close. I don’t want her to pull out – it feels comforting having her dick remain inside of me. I rest my head on her sweaty left breast which is as soft as a cloud and my eyes shut. With each relaxed breath, Alicia’s chest rises and lowers, rocking me to a peaceful slumber.
    ~ 6 ~
    As my eyes flick open, I embrace a new dawn feeling like a new person. A youthful vigor flows through my arms down to my toes and my heart flutters with excitement to start the day.
    If not for the soft whispering of her breath against my bare skin, I might have believed all of it to be simply a figment of my imagination. The prior night at the pub, unlawfully ...
    ... entering her apartment and experiencing the most exhilarating evening I've ever had. Anyone I tell would probably suspect me of losing my sanity.
    I roll onto my side and stare at her. Even as she sleeps, her angelic beauty is matched by no one; her long locks resting on her cheeks and the rest of her hair splayed across the pillow and sheets as though she was floating in water. Her large breasts rising up and down with each quiet breath. Her olive skin shimmering in the morning sunlight from my high-rise New York bedroom window. I smile, doing everything I can to enjoy this moment in time, as I know I’ll look back on it with nostalgia. It’s like heaven.
    Knowing I’ve missed one of the most important work meetings in my life, doesn’t bother me one bit. It just seems…meaningless now.
    An uncovered left nipple is pointing skyward and I kiss it gently, making sure I don’t wake her. I peacefully take her beauty in for another ten minutes or so until I begin to get antsy. I bite my lip and fidget with my fingers, hoping it will calm my overly erotic mind. But it’s quite difficult not to give in to temptation. I’m overwhelmingly hot and bothered right now. Something about her serene state makes me want to ravage her. It makes my fingers involuntarily crawl down to my pussy and begin delicately rubbing my clitoris. I rock it in between my fingers. I accidentally moan, but catch myself before becoming too loud.
    I can’t take it. It’s eleven in the morning; she should be awake ...